
ID Skok, Sara (Author), ID Ivanko, Štefan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6212D40C6172E8A0A12A5F56D825281C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d0af64f4-eaaa-4f04-b64e-5d2e5f16ff9d

Vsako podjetje stremi k uspešnosti. Za uspeh pa niso pomembni le stranke in njihovo zadovoljstvo, temveč tudi zadovoljni in motivirani zaposleni. S tem se podjetju povečata uspešnost in konkurenčnost na trgu. Danes se tega zaveda vse več podjetij, zato se vedno več pozornosti namenja izboljšanju obeh omenjenih dejavnikov. Diplomsko delo zajema vidik in stopnjo zadovoljstva in motiviranosti zaposlenih v organizaciji, ki je vodilna v svoji panogi. Za ugotavljanje stopnje zadovoljstva in motiviranosti je bila v sklopu diplomskega dela izvedena anketa, ki je pokazala dokaj visoko stopnjo zadovoljstva zaposlenih. Na področju motiviranosti se je izkazalo, da bi se dalo narediti še veliko izboljšav ter jo posledično povečati. Po mnenju zaposlenih vodje premalo časa posvečajo njihovemu zadovoljstvu in motivaciji. Po pričakovanjih je največji motivacijski faktor izplačilo nagrad in stimulacij, zanimivo pa je, da mu kljub temu zelo tesno sledita tudi motivacijska dejavnika poznavanje cilja in poznavanje rezultatov svojega dela. Plača kot motivacijski faktor se je uvrstila na peto mesto. Del diplomskega dela je namenjen tudi certifikatu Družini prijazno podjetje, ki se ga poslužuje vedno več slovenskih podjetij. Njegov namen in cilj sta izboljšati zadovoljstvo in motivacijo zaposlenih ter jim olajšati usklajevanje družinskih in poklicnih obveznostih. Z anketo je bila preverjena prepoznavnost certifikata. Rezultat je bil presenetljiv, saj ga ni poznala le peščica anketirancev.

Keywords:zadovoljstvo, dejavniki zadovoljstva, merjenje zadovoljstva, certifikat Družini prijazno podjetje, motivacija, motivi motivacije, motivacijske teorije, motivacijski dejavniki, pomen motivacije, nagrajevanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92570 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.06.2017
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Secondary language

Every company strives for success. Customers and their satisfaction are not the only important factor of success, but also satisfied and motivated employees. With this the company increases efficiency and competitiveness in the market. More and more companies are aware of this with every passing day, and an increased amount of attention is paid to improve the satisfaction of employees. The thesis covers the aspect and level of satisfaction and motivation of employees in an organization that is a leader in its industry. A survey has been carried out to determine the level of satisfaction and motivation, which has shown a fairly high level of employee satisfaction. But in terms of motivation the results have shown that there are a lot of improvements which need to be made to increase it. According to the employees, managers do not devote enough time to help with their satisfaction and motivation. As expected the biggest motivational factor is paying out rewards and stimulations, but the interesting part is the factors that closely followed. These factors were being aware of the end goal and knowing the results of your work. Salary as a motivational factor came fifth. Part of the thesis was devoted to the Family Friendly Enterprise Certificate, which is being used by more and more Slovenian companies. Its purpose and objective is to improve the satisfaction and motivation of the employees and make it easier for them to coordinate family and professional obligations. We surveyed the recognition of the certificate between employees. The result was very surprising, as only a few did not hear about it.

Keywords:satisfaction, factors of satisfaction, satisfaction measurement, Family Friendly Enterprise Certificate, motivation, motives of motivation, motivational theories, motivational factors, the meaning of motivation, rewarding

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