
Vizija in organizacijska struktura družinskega podjetja Plastles d.o.o.
ID Pirnat, Anja (Author), ID Demšar, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 40D2B43241FD8808C127BA193BDEF366
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7327c02e-a37a-4cea-89cd-c3364717a6ef

Namen diplomskega dela z naslovom Vizija in organizacijska struktura družinskega podjetja Plastles, d. o. o. je bil preučiti in zapisati, kakšni sta vizija in organizacijska struktura podjetja ter s pomočjo anketnih vprašalnikov zapisati kodeks podjetja. Vsako podjetje se redno srečuje z vprašanji, kakšen je namen njegovega obstoja in kakšna je njegova prihodnost. Ponoven razmislek o identiteti podjetja Plastles, d. o. o. nam je dal nov zagon, da podjetju začrtamo novo pot in postavimo jasno vizijo, strategijo in cilje. Kodeks družinskega podjetja Plastles, d. o. o. je bil rezultat iskanja vrednot med vsemi zaposlenimi v podjetju. V raziskovanje o tem, katere vrednote pomenijo zaposlenim največ, so bili vključeni vsi zaposleni, saj s tem začutijo pripadnost podjetju. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela so opredeljeni pojmi vizija, poslanstvo, vrednote in etika. V eksperimentalnem delu diplomskega dela je predstavljeno podjetje Plastles, d. o. o. S pomočjo dveh anketnih vprašalnikov smo definirali vrednote zaposlenih. Prvi vprašalnik se je nanašal izključno na njihove osebne vrednote, drugi pa je bil namenjen izključno vrednotam, ki pripadajo podjetju. Ugotovili smo, da so delavnost, poštenost, znanje, prilagodljivost in kreativnost ključne vrednote, ki opisujejo naše družinsko podjetje, in na njihovi podlagi oblikovali kodeks družinskega podjetja Plastles, d. o. o.

Keywords:podjetje, vizija, poslanstvo, vrednote, etika, kodeks
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92512 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.06.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Vision and organizational structure of the family business Plastles d.o.o.
The purpose of the diploma thesis entitled VISION AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE FAMILY BUSINESS PLASTLES, D. O. O. was to examine and write down the vision and organizational structure of the Plastles, d. o. o. company. The feedbacks from the questionnaires served as the basis for the company’s code of conduct. Every company faces the question regarding the purpose of its existence and its future course. Rethinking the company’s identity has provided fresh impetus to chart a new path and set clear vision, strategy and objectives. The Plastles, d. o. o.’s Code of Conduct is the result of determining the values among all the company’s employees. The survey included everyone in order to give each and every individual a feeling of belonging to the company. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the definition of the terms: vision, mission, values and ethics. The experimental part briefly presents the Plastles, d. o. o company. The values of the employees were defined with the help of two questionnaires. The first questionnaire was focused only on the personal values of the employees, while the second one dealt exclusively with the company’s values. The analysis of the both questionnaires provided clear information about the most important values, defining the family company. The result of the survey was the new company’s Code of Conduct.

Keywords:business, vision, mission, values, ethics, code of conduct

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