
Razvoj govora - vloga medicinske sestre : pregled literature
ID Omahen, Špela (Author), ID Bizjak, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 14722A791F5C0D9DB6C249F7349A02E3
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1068cd7e-0a9e-4bf2-9a0b-4ca083001714

Razvoj govora in komunikacije je v obdobju otroštva intenziven proces in se v prvih letih življenja zelo spreminja. Dojenčki izražajo svoje potrebe in čustva ob pomoči glasov, še preden znajo govoriti. Na začetku je jok novorojenčkov edini način sporazumevanja, nato pa začne izgovarjati prve besede, ki kmalu prerastejo v tvorjenje in oblikovanje enostavnih povedi. Govorni napredek predstavlja medsebojno vplivanje vseh vidikov razvoja. Ko se razvijejo telesne strukture, ki jih potrebujemo za proizvajanje glasov, in se aktivirajo živčne povezave, ki so potrebne za povezovanje glasov in pomena, se začne socialna interakcija z drugimi. Namen: Predstaviti razvoj govora v posameznih starostnih obdobjih otroka in izpostaviti opozorilne znake, ki kažejo na možnost govornih in jezikovnih napak. Metode dela: Uporabljena je deskriptivna metoda dela. Temelji na pregledu domače in tuje strokovne ter znanstvene literature. Razprava in zaključek: Razvoj otroka je zapleten proces in najbolj kompleksna funkcija centralnega živčnega sistema. Le z dobrim poznavanjem mejnikov v njegovem razvoju lahko otroku nudimo podporo, kadar opazimo zaostanek ali nepravilnosti v razvoju. Razvoj govora se začne že pred rojstvom in je najbolj intenziven prav v predšolskem obdobju, izpopolnjuje pa se skozi celo življenje. Govor se razvija po določenih stopnjah in vsaka ima svoje značilnosti. Medicinska sestra jih mora poznati, da od otroka ne zahteva preveč ali premalo, da ga na posamezni stopnji ustrezno spodbuja in predvsem pravočasno odkrije razvojne nepravilnosti in ustrezno ukrepa.

Keywords:govorni razvoj, razvojne nepravilnosti govora, služba za zdravstveno varstvo otrok, denverski razvojni presejalni test
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92495 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5263723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.06.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Speech development – role of the nurse : literature review
Development of speech and communication in the period of childhood is intensive process and in the first years of life varies. Their needs and feelings babies expres even before they can talk. Infant first communication is with crying. Then soon appear the first words, which quickly skipped in the formation and creation of simple sentences. Speech progress represents the interaction of all aspects of development. When mature the body structure that we need to produce voice and activate neural connections necessary for connecting the voice and meaning begins a social interaction with others. Purpose: To present the development of speech in the individual periods of the child´s life and the warning signs that indicate the possibility of voice and language deficits. Methods: Descriptive academic method of work was used. It is based on the review of domestic and foreign professional and scientific literature. Discussion and conclusion: Speech is the product of human thinking and is the most composed function of the central nervous system. The development of speech begins at birth and is the most intense right in the early years, perfecting it through the whole life. Speech develops according to certain stages, and each has its own characteristics. The nurse should know them that she does not require too much or too little and that she encourages child at each stage accordingly and especially that she detects developmental anomalies and then take appropriate action.

Keywords:language development, developmental abnormalities of speech, child health service, Denver developmental screening test

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