
ID MERZEL, ROK (Author), ID Aristovnik, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 0988AC3E291FAB7BA32F6E6AB1727AED
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9d228024-09b2-4627-9142-bf47f5925323

V Sloveniji na temelju pravnih podlag, v katerih so določena pravila in metode, ugotavljamo učinkovitost in uspešnost zaposlenih v javnem sektorju. Vendar je delo v določnih delih javnega sektorja težko izmeriti. Sem spada tudi policija, ki je specifična organizacija, saj varuje ljudi in njihovo premoženje. Za učinkovito in uspešno organizacijo dela v javnem sektorju so pomembni tudi predhodno oblikovani cilji, ki jih je potrebno v določenem časovnem obdobju doseči. Merjenje učinkovitosti in uspešnosti v policiji je že dolgo pomembna tema na mizi vodilnih na pristojnem ministrstvu. Vendar je policijsko delo tako zelo specifično, da ga je težko meriti. Namen in cilj magistrskega dela je ovrednotiti delo policistov na izbranih policijskih postajah v obdobju 2010 - 2015 ter ugotoviti, kako so določene policijske postaje v Sloveniji učinkovite pri svojem delu. Raziskava je osredotočena na preučevanja statističnih podatkov, ki so javno dostopni na internetu in pridobljeni s strani policije. V magistrskem delu je tudi prikazan način merjenja uspešnosti javne uprave in njihove policije v Veliki Britaniji in v Republiki Hrvaški. Določene policijske postaje pokrivajo območja, ki so zelo obremenjena z varnostno problematiko, na drugi strani pa imamo postaje, ki beležijo relativno ugodno delovno okolje. V magistrski nalogi sem zbral statistične podatke o delu največjih in najbolj obremenjenih policijskih postaj v Republiki Sloveniji in jih primerjal med seboj tako, da sem različne kazalnike razvrstil med vložke, učinke in izide. Ugotovil sem, da so policijske postaje, ki pokrivajo območje Ljubljane, najbolj učinkovite pri svojem delu.

Keywords:javni sektor, policija, učinkovitost, delovna uspešnost, napredovanje, Slovenija, Velika Britanija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92393 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.05.2017
MERZEL, ROK, 2017, UČINKOVITOST POLICIJSKIH POSTAJ V REPUBLIKI SLOVENIJI [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

In Slovenia, based on legal grounds with a set of rules and methods, efficiency and performance of employees in public sector are measured. However, certain segments of public sector are difficult to measure. One of those segments is the police force, protecting people and their possessions. Predefined goals that have to be achieved in a certain time period are crucial in order to regulate work in public sector efficiently and successfully. Measuring work performance and efficiency in the police has been an important topic on the table of the leaders at the responsible ministry. However, the police work is very specific and difficult to measure. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate work of police officers at selected police stations in the period of 2010 to 2015 and to determine how effective different Slovene police stations at their work really are. The study is based on examining statistical data, both available to public and acquired through the police itself. The thesis also describes practices of measuring work performance of public sector and the police in Great Britain and in Croatia. Certain police stations are covering areas heavily affected by security issues while some others have a record of relatively favourable work environment. The thesis comprises statistical data about the work at the biggest and most strained police stations in Slovenia and compares them by segmenting different indicators among investments, effects and results. The results show that the police stations covering the Ljubljana area are the most efficient.

Keywords:public sector, police, efficiency, performance, promotion, Slovenia, Great Britain

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