
ID Petek, Aljoša (Author), ID Ivanko, Štefan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 1374DD0B09A35E66A4F82A4E1708548F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c9f803e0-356e-45d4-94bc-98a519e9ce64

Pričujoče diplomsko delo ob anketni raziskavi storitvene podjetja predstavlja pomen stresa, stresorjev, stresnih situacij in odprave le-tega. Stres in stresne situacije ter stresorji, ki stres tudi povzročijo so povsod okrog nas. Nemogoče se jim je praktično izmuzniti, vendar se jih lahko na nek način ubranimo. Namen diplomskega dela je v ugotovitvi ali zaposleni v obravnavanem podjetju doživljajo stres na delovnem mestu, kako ga obvladujejo, ter kako blažijo stresne trenutke. Cilj diplomske je v predstavitvi stresa, njegovih simptomov in seveda tudi načine s katerim se ga lahko tudi ubranimo ali izognemo. Popolnoma se mu ne moremo izogniti saj je povsod okrog nas. Hiter tempo življenja in nenehne sprememba so tiste, ki nas vodijo v stalne spremembe in hitenja od koder izvira tudi stres in pomanjkanje časa zase in družino. Z analizo primarnih in sekundarnih virov predstavimo trenutno stanje stresa v obravnavnem storitvenem podjetju. Diplomsko delo v empiričnem delu ob anketnem vprašalniku nakazuje na to, da v obravnavanem podjetju poznajo stres in ga dobro obvladujejo, kaže pa se največ v primerih neustreznega komuniciranja in medsebojnih odnosih, kjer običajno neustrezno odreagirajo. Ugotovitve podajajo, da je stres prisoten iz razloga preobremenjenosti zaposlenih, saj nekateri delajo preko svojega delovnega časa in neustrezni porazdelitvi delovnih nalog in svojega prostega časa. Ugotovitve prav tako poudarjajo, da se zaposleni v obravnavanem podjetju zavedajo stresa in stresnih situacij, vedo, da je prisoten in kako se mu izogniti, kar pomeni, da jim le-ta v prihodnosti ne bo delal težav.

Keywords:stres, stresorji, pozitivni in negativni stres, simptomi stresa, obravnavano podjetje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92293 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.05.2017
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Secondary language

This diploma thesis on survey research service company represents the importance of stress, stressors, stress and the elimination thereof. Stress and stress and stressors, which also cause stress are everywhere around us. It is impossible to escape them practical, but they can somehow save. The purpose of the study is the finding or employee in this company are experiencing stress in the workplace, how to cope and how to mitigate the stressful moments. The goal of this presentation is to stress, its symptoms, and naturally also the ways in which it can defend or avoid. Fully we cannot be avoided because it is all around us. The fast pace of life and constant change the ones that keep us in constant change and rush of origin of the stress and lack of time for yourself and family. By analyzing primary and secondary sources to present the current state of stress in the present service company. Thesis in the empirical part of the survey questionnaire indicates that in this company know the stress and manage it well, showing a maximum in cases of inadequate communication and interpersonal relations, where usually react inappropriately. The findings provide that the stress present on the ground congestion employees, since some work over their working hours and inadequate distribution of tasks and their free time. The findings highlight that employees in this company are aware of stress and stressful situations, know that it is present and how to avoid it, which means that they latter in the future will not work problems.

Keywords:stress, stressors, positive and negative stress, stress symptoms, present company

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