
ID PEČJAK, BLAŽKA (Author), ID Kozjek, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 4A41674C421ABB69F304EED259BA2009
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/11c7bb8a-4423-4d0c-9f51-a4d323baaf6b

Razvoj zaposlenih je za organizacije vse pomembnejši dejavnik pri doseganju uspešnosti oziroma izboljševanju njihovega poslovanja. Živimo v družbi znanja, kjer so tehnološki napredki, konkurenca, načini informiranosti družb, tržišča in kupcev vse močnejši. Vse to organizacijo vodi do neizogibnih sprememb, ki so vedno hitrejše in vse celovitejše. Ključni dejavnik konkurenčnosti in uspešnosti organizacij predstavljajo zaposleni, ki imajo ustrezna znanja, sposobnosti in veščine. Glavni namen diplomskega dela je bil analizirati področje razvoja zaposlenih. Organizacija mora imeti primerno usposobljene ljudi, s katerimi lahko dosega uspešnost. Organizacija mora v ta namen neprestano razvijati, motivirati, izobraževati ter nuditi možnosti napredovanja zaposlenim, saj to predstavlja pot za dosego želenih ciljev. Cilj raziskave v okviru diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti pomen in vlogo razvoja zaposlenih ter obstoječi program razvoja zaposlenih v izbrani organizaciji in ugotoviti, kakšno je mnenje zaposlenih na tem področju. V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da se v organizaciji Datalab zavedajo, da je uspešnost organizacije odvisna od sposobnosti, znanj in motivacije zaposlenih, ki s svojim odnosom do organizacije ustvarjajo organizacijsko kulturo družbe. Za uspešnost organizacije so tako pomembna prizadevanja zaposlenih ter njihovi prispevki. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se zaposleni zavedajo pomembnosti svojega razvoja in prispevka organizaciji, vendar je bilo opaziti, da so premalo usmerjeni glede same izbire ter možnosti izobraževanja. Predlaga se, da organizacija zaposlene bolj organizirano usmerja k izobraževanju. Za zaposlene oziroma za posamezne oddelke bi bilo dobro, da se naredijo izobraževalni učni načrti, skozi katere bi zaposlene usmerjali k izobraževanju glede na posamezno področje dela. Rezultati raziskave kažejo še, da so zaposleni občasno prezaposleni, da bi se lahko posvetili izobraževanju. Organizaciji se predlaga, da določi nekaj ur na teden, ki bodo namenjene izključno izobraževanju in izpopolnjevanju zaposlenih.

Keywords:učenje, izobraževanje, usposabljanje, razvoj, konkurenčna prednost, metode izobraževanja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92259 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.05.2017
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Secondary language

Employee development is becoming increasingly important in achieving organizations’ success and improving their business. We live in a society of knowledge, ruled by rapid technological advances and means of information for companies, markets and customers, along with ever-stronger competition. All this leads the organization towards inevitable changes, which are faster and more complex every time. Employees with appropriate knowledge, abilities and skills represent a key factor in the competitiveness and success of such organizations. The main purpose of this thesis was to analyze the area of staff development. The organization must have adequately qualified people with whom they can reach success. In order to achieve the desired objectives it is essential for every organization to continuously develop, motivate and educate its employees, and to also provide opportunities for career advancement. The aim of the research in the context of the thesis was to present the importance and the role of staff development and of existing employees’ development programme in a selected organization, and to determine the opinion of the employees on the topic. The study found that the DataLab organization was aware that success of the organization depends on the skills, knowledge and motivation of employees who, through their relationship with the organization, create the organizational culture of the company. The efforts and contributions of employees are important for the performance of the organization. Survey results indicate that employees are aware of the importance of their development and contribution to the organization, but it has been observed that there is a lack of focus regarding their choices and educational opportunities. We propose more detail-oriented and organized approach towards education in the organization. Employees and individual departments would benefit from educational curricula, through which employees would be directed towards the right education considering their particular field of work. Research results show that employees are sometimes too busy to devote themselves to education. Organization is proposed to determine a few weekly working hours, dedicated exclusively to the education and training of employees.

Keywords:learning, education, training, development, competitive advantage, educational methods

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