
Avtomatizacija meritev pokrivanja s signalom Wi-fi
ID LATKOVIĆ, NIKOLA (Author), ID Kos, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D943152903F0FDF081980865930558C6
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7a0507f0-986a-4c18-a437-46c505d1c84c

Glavni cilj magistrske naloge je avtomatizacija testiranja pokritosti Wi-Fi brezžičnega omrežja, z uporabo različnih načinov avtomatiziranja. Naloga in raziskovanja so bila opravljena med avtorjevim pripravništvom v podjetju Plume Design d.o.o. Na voljo so mu bila različna orodja in pripomočki za pripravo naloge in raziskovanje, poleg tega pa mu je bil na voljo tudi robot, sposoben premikanja in samodejnega pozicioniranja, kateri je veliko prispeval k procesu avtomatizacije. Dodatno smo želeli tudi pokazati, da avtorjev avtomatski sistem deluje pravilno, in smo zato izvedli nekaj testnih ciklov, ki so vključevali meritve propustnosti treh produktov različnih proizvajalcev. Zanimalo, nas je kaj je novi pristop v Wi-Fi tehnologiji, ki ga je razvil in implementiral Plume Design, v primerjavi s preostalimi rešitvami, zasnovanimi na standardni, eno strukturni način ali Mesh način, sposoben doseči. Po uvodu v temo, se v drugem delu nahaja nekaj o temeljih Wi-Fi tehnologije, kot so na primer Wi-Fi standardi, določanje kanalov, pasovna širina itn. Naslednje poglavje vsebuje analizo produktov, ki vsebujejo Wi-Fi standardne rešitve za omogočanje dostopa do interneta v primerjavi z novim Wi-Fi produktom z adaptivnim, naprednim tehnološkim pristopom. V četrtem poglavju, ki govori o izvajanju praktičnega dela, je predstavljeno testno okolje, oprema, orodje in zasnove kodiranja. Bolj v podrobnosti o samem procesu, testov pozicioniranja, merjenje in odčitavanje meritev, v povezavi s kodiranjem in rešitvami, nam avtor predstavi v podpoglavjih. Prav tako najdemo tudi primerjavo rezultatov testiranja med Plume Wi-Fi rešitvijo ter dvema konkurenčnima produktoma. Avtomatiziran sistem za testiranje pokritosti Wi-Fi signala, se aktivno uporablja v podjetju Plume, torej je avtorjevo delo, predvsem praktičen del, dosegel svoj namen. Rezultati primerjav so pokazali, da nove tehnologije uporabljene v Plumovih usmerjevalnikih dajejo boljše rezultate, kakor alternativne, standardne Wi-Fi rešitve. Omejitve v strojnih komponentah in ne dovolj veliko testno okolje, ovirata Plume pri doseganju še boljših rezultatov.

Keywords:Wi-Fi, avtomatizacija, robot, testiranje, meritev, pokritost, plume, zagotavljanje kakovosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.04.2017
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Title:Automated Measurements of Wi-Fi Signal Coverage
The primary aim of the thesis was to automate Wi-Fi coverage testing, using various automation techniques. The thesis and research were conducted during the author's internship job at Plume Design d.o.o. Besides various technical products available for developing the thesis and research, the author also had a space self-positioning robot on disposal which contributed the most in the process of automation. In addition we wanted to show that the author's automated system is working properly by running some test cycles which include throughput measurements for three different products. We were curious what a new approach in Wi-Fi technology, developed and implemented by the Plume Wi-Fi company, is capable of, compared to the other solutions, based on a standard single infrastructure mode or Mesh system. After the introduction into the topic, the second part is about some fundamentals of Wi-Fi technology including Wi-Fi standards, channels allocation, bandwidth, operation modes, that were outlined. The following chapter includes an explanation of both, currently standard Wi-Fi solutions for providing Wi-Fi networks access and a new Adaptive Wi-Fi product with its advanced technological approach. In the forth chapter, the testing environment, equipment, tools and coding concepts were presented. The detailed procedure of doing coverage tests and measuring throughput, together with the coding solutions for the automation, were described in the same chapter. It also contains the results of comparing coverage tests between Plume Wi-Fi and two competitive products. Since the automated system for coverage tests has been fully adopted and confirmed by the company, it can be concluded that the practical part of the thesis achieved its purpose. The comparison results, showed that the new techniques, used in the Plume routers, are giving slightly better results than the alternative Wi-Fi solutions. Limitations in hardware and insufficiently large testing area constrained Plume in getting even better results.

Keywords:Wi-Fi, automation, robot, testing, throughput, coverage, plume, quality assurance

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