
Fotorealistična upodobitev 3D prizora s programom Blender
ID ŽAGAR, LUKA (Author), ID Zaletelj, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D96CC46C624A1838540C31EC58CA923E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d491b4a5-7af5-492f-a160-0934a5ca3ed5

V mojem diplomskem delu sem predstavil celoten postopek doseganja fotorealizma z upodabljanjem v programu Blender s pogonom »Cycles«. Za začetek sem predstavil pomembnejše akterje pri nastajanju in razvijanju programa kot takega. V nadaljevanju sem opisal program in prikazal pomembnejše dele njegovega uporabniškega vmesnika. Primerjal sem 3 notranje pogone podrobneje pa sem opisal ciklične pogon, kjer sem izpostavil njegove prednosti in slabosti. Izdelovanje končnega izdelka ter pisanje sem razdelil na tri večje segmente. Vsakega od segmentov sem razdelil na teoretični del, v katerem sem se osredotočil na delovanje orodij, ter praktični del, kjer sem na lastnih primerih prikazal uporabo. Opisal sem pomembnejša orodja ter pristope, podrobneje pa sem predstavil tista, ki sem jih uporabil pri izdelavi diplomskega dela. V segmentu o modeliranju sem prikazal uporabo modifikatorjev, v nadaljevanju pa sem ta segment razdelil na modeliranje scene in modeliranje cveta. V nadaljevanju sem primerjal različne tipe tekstur ter njihovo uporabo, kot zadnji segment pa sem se osredotočil na ustrezno uporabo svetlobnih teles, nastavitve kamere in nastavljanje parametrov za končno upodabljanje.

Keywords:blender, doseganje fotorealizma, pogon Cycles, upodabljanje modeliranje, teksture, 3d
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91853 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.04.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Photorealistic 3D scene rendering using Blender
In my thesis I have presented whole process of achieving photorealism in Blender program with Cycles engine. For start I introduced the most important actors in the making and developing of the program itself. I continued with a description of program and showed the most important parts of its user interface. I compared three internal render engines. I went into details with Cycles engine and presented its pros and cons. I divided my project and writting about it into three bigger segments. I went on and divided each of those into two parts. In theoretical part, I focused on theory behind tools and approaches while in practical part, I showed usage of those tools with my own examples. I went into details only in descriptions of tools and processes I used in the making of this thesis. In the segment about modeling, I presented some modificators. Further on, I seperated modeling of the scene apart from the main object – flower. In the next segment I compared different types of textures and their usage. In the last segment I focused on appropriate use of lighting objects, camera settings and setup of the parameters for final rendering.

Keywords:blender, achieving photorealism, cycles engine, modeling, rendering, textures, 3d

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