
Fotokromne tiskarske barve na osnovi resorufina
ID Drnovšek, Petra (Author), ID Klanjšek Gunde, Marta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sever Škapin, Andrijana (Comentor)

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MD5: 2C1C68930C378B96DB2E0053F90C3CE6
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/184191bb-7f01-4bca-90fb-b9bb67ebead3

Pametni materiali pod vplivom zunanjega dejavnika na predvidljiv in navadno uporaben način spremenijo svoje lastnosti. Takšni materiali so fotokatalitsko aktivne tiskarske barve, pri katerih se pod vplivom ultravijoličnega sevanja (v nadaljevanju UV) in/ali vidne svetlobe sproži fotokataliza, čemur sledi sprememba barve. Ena izmed možnih aplikacij fotokatalitsko aktivnih tiskarskih barv je ta, da uporabnika s spremembo barve opozarjajo na količino izpostavljenosti potencialno škodljivemu UV sevanju. Pomembna lastnost takih barv je reverzibilnost reakcije spremembe barve, s čimer se zagotovi večkratno uporabnost indikatorskega kazalnika. Zaradi priročnosti (npr. indikatorska oblačila) in lahke uporabe imajo fotokatalitske tiskarske barve velik potencial za zaščito javnega zdravja in zmanjšanje stroškov zdravljenja bolezni, ki nastanejo kot posledica prekomerne izpostavljenosti UV sevanju. Omenjene materiale lahko uporabimo tudi za zagotovitev večje varnosti potrošnikov pri nakupu izdelkov, občutljivih na svetlobo (na primer na svetlobo občutljiva olja). Namen diplomskega dela je pripraviti fotokatalitsko tiskarsko barvo na osnovi indikatorskega barvila resorufina, ki se razbarva odvisno od količine UV obsevanja ter ob prisotnosti kisika in odsotnosti svetlobe, reverzibilno pridobi prvotno barvo. Tiskarska barva je bila pripravljena iz polivinil alkohola, fotokatalizatorja, UV indikatorskega barvila resorufina in elektron donorja ter vode kot topila. Opravljeni so bili osnovni poskusi za pripravo ustrezne mešanice komponent. Tiskarske barve so bile na tiskovne podlage nanešene z avtomatskim nanašalnikom barve Elcometer 4340. Vzorci so bili izpostavljeni UV svetlobi, kjer se je spremljala sprememba barve v določenih časovnih intervalih. Raziskovan je bil vpliv elektron donorjev (ksilitola, glicerola, sorbitola in glikola) in tiskovne podlage (premazanega kartona Leneta in grafoskopske folije) na osnovne lastnosti fotokatalitske tiskarske barve.

Keywords:elektron donor, fotokatalitska tiskarska barva, UV indikatorska barvila, titanov dioksid, fotokatalitsko aktivne snovi.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91849 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.04.2017
DRNOVŠEK, Petra, 2017, Fotokromne tiskarske barve na osnovi resorufina [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Photocromic printing inks based on resorufin
Smart materials allow predictable and useful attribute variations based on external stimuli. With photocatalytically active substances, we can observe photocatalysis, i.e., proportional color changes relative to the amount of UV and/or visible light exposure. One possible application is the preparation of a photocatalytically active printing ink, which would serve as an indicator, warning the user of potentially dangerous exposure to UV light. The reversibility of the photocatalyctic reaction is an important factor in photocatalytically active printing inks, as it ensures a reusable indicator. Such indicators have a variety of uses due to their convenience (e.g., UV exposure indicative clothing) and ease of use. Public-health improvements and treatment-cost reduction with diseases that arise from UV over-exposure, as well a higher level of consumer protection from UV-sensitive merchandise such as oils, are just a few of the possible applications. The purpose of this thesis is the preparation of a functional printing ink based on the indicator dye resorufin, which decolorizes in proportion to the amount of UV exposure. In the presence of oxygen and the absence of light, a reverse reaction occurs and resorufin re-colorizes. The printing ink was prepared using polyvinyl alcohol, a photocatalyst, an indicator dye, water as the solvent, as well as some other additives. Basic trials have been made for the preparation of a suitable ink composition. The dye was applied with an automatic dye applicator (Elcometer 4340). The resulting color changes were colorimetrically analyzed. Research was conducted on the relationship between different electron donors (xylitol, glycerol, sobitol and glycol) and different substrates (paper board Leneta and overhead projector foil) on the basic properties of the photocatalytic printing ink.

Keywords:electron donor, functional printing ink, UV-indicative coloring agent, titanium dioxide, photocatalytically active substances.

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