First part of the thesis defines youth literature as a literary genre. It features the evolution of youth literature in Slovenia and Croatia. It introduces the definition of a fairytale and describes different types of fairytales: folk, classic authorial and contemporary fairytale.
The second part introduces six theories of studying fairy tales: folklorist, structuralist, psychoanalytic, sociologic, feminist and literary theory. Main focus is on the literary theory of Max Lüthi. The thesis presents five characteristics of the folk tale model according to him: one-dimensionality, depthlessness, abstract style, isolation and universal interconnection, and sublimation and all-inclusiveness.
The empirical part of the thesis contains the comparative analysis of Slovenian and Croatian folk tales, according to the literary theory of Max Lüthi. Three Slovenian and three Croatian fairytales have been analyzed. Results of the analysis are presented in tables, and each table contains a summary of the findings of an analysis.
The objective of this thesis is to determine similarities and differences between Slovenian and Croatian fairytales.