
ID Černič, Tea (Author), ID Majerič, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: BF4A182A521EF7F5EF44F55B0E243EC3
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e164ac2d-e5b0-4b5b-909d-6bf0044464e2

Konjeništvo postaja vse bolj priljubljen šport. Kljub temu, da vključuje vedno več jahalnih disciplin in slogov jahanja, je pristop k metodiki učenja jahanja izredno tradicionalen. Namen diplomskega dela je bil s pomočjo podrobne analize gibanja in tehnike jahanja sestaviti program krepilnih gimnastičnih vaj, s katerimi bi jahačem omogočili bolj ekonomično in tehnično pravilno jahanje. Večina jahačev vsaj enkrat v življenju utrpi lažjo ali težjo poškodbo. Zaskrbljujoče pa je dejstvo, da skoraj polovica jahačev trpi za bolečinami v križu. Viri pravijo, da lahko s pomočjo krepilnih gimnastičnih vaj in sproščanjem določenih mišičnih skupin te bolečine omilimo ali celo odpravimo. Program zajema tri sklope po osem vaj za celo telo. Z nekaterimi krepilnimi gimnastičnimi vajami smo želeli čim bolj situacijsko posnemati jahanje, zato smo poleg vaj z lastno težo uporabili še vaje z elastiko in veliko žogo. Izvajanje programa priporočamo vsem začetnikom, saj predvidevamo, da bi proces učenja tehnike jahanja potekal hitreje. Prav tako izvajanje programa priporočamo rekreativnim in profesionalnim jahačem, saj menimo, da bi lahko vplival na bolj ekonomično, tehnično pravilno in udobnejše jahanje. Program priporočamo tudi jahačem, ki imajo bolečine v ledvenem delu hrbtenice, saj bi lahko pripomogel k zmanjšanju ali odpravi le teh. Verjamemo, da bi vsem jahačem, ki bi izvajali predstavljeni program krepilnih gimnastičnih vaj, podaljšali bodisi športno kariero ali leta rekreativnega jahanja.

Keywords:Jahanje, konjeništvo, vaje za moč, stabilizacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91824 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5127857 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.04.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Strength training program for riders
Horseback riding is getting more and more popular. Despite the fact that number of different riding disciplines is growing, the learning approach to riding is still very traditional. The aim of this thesis was to analyze the riding technique and movement, and to create a strength exercise program, based on those analyses and intended especially for riders. This program could help the riders ride more economically and improve their riding technique. Most of the riders get injured sometime in their life. What concerns us, is the fact that almost half of the riders suffer from lower back pain. Resources claim that with proper strength training and muscle relaxation, we can ease or eliminate back pain. The program contains three different sets with eight exercises, engaging the whole body. By chosing some of those exercises, we tried to situationally imitate riding as much as possible, that is why we used bodyweight exercises as well as exercises with big ball and rubber band. The program is recommended for all riders. Total beginners in riding could use the program for easier and faster motor learning; it could help amateur and professional riders ride more economically and technically correct; while those suffering from lower back pain could use it to reduce or eliminate pain. We believe that all riders who would do our strength training program, would prolong years of their sports career or recreational riding.

Keywords:Horseback riding, Equestrianism, Strength training, Stabilization

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