
Dvojezičnost v predšolskem obdobju : diplomsko delo
ID Ukmar, Blaž (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4432/ This link opens in a new window

Razvoj govora je ena najpomembnejših stvari pri razvoju človeka. Z njim lahko izrazimo svoje potrebe in želje, ima pa tudi izredno močno družbeno vlogo. Razvoj govora se začne zelo zgodaj, veliko pred pojavom prvih besed. Otroci imajo izjemen talent za učenje jezikov, brez tega se najverjetneje nikoli ne bi bili sposobni naučiti govoriti in razumeti kar drugi povedo. Čeprav otrok še ne govori, vseeno komunicira z nami, to pa je temelj za prvi »preskok« oz. prvo besedo. Ta je le začetek, saj se ji vsaki dan pridružijo nove besede, samostalnikom se pridružijo glagoli, zaimki, uporaba preteklika in prihodnjika, vrstni red besed ... Otroci se ne učijo jezika enako hitro, se pa pri vseh po navadi pojavijo preskoki v besednjaku. Na razvoj vplivajo različni dejavniki kot so kakovost družinskega okolja, socialno-ekonomski status družine, genetske značilnosti ter tudi vrtec. Usvajanje jezika se veliko ne veliko razlikuje v enojezičnih in dvojezičnih družinah. V slednjih se pojavljajo različne strategije, saj se otrok istočasno uči dva jezika. Na strategijo, preko katere se otrok uči jezikov, vpliva tudi to, ali je vsaj eden od roditeljev govorec jezika okolja. Čeprav se usvajanje drugega jezika ne bistveno razlikuje od usvajanja samo enega jezika, pa lahko na usvajanje drugega jezika vplivajo še dodatni dejavniki, kot so otrokova starost, motivacija oziroma pripravljenost za učenje, jezikovna sposobnost in dostop do jezika. Ravno dostop do jezika vodi do dveh različnih vrst dvojezičnosti. Nov jezikovni kod lahko obogati prvi jezik in tako govorimo oba jezika enakovredno, lahko je pa prvi jezik obubožan. Na vrsto dvojezičnosti, ki se na koncu razvije lahko vplivamo z načini razvoja dvojezičnosti. Še nedolgo nazaj je veljalo, da je večjezičnost lahko škodljiva. Novejše raziskave dokazujejo, da znanje več jezikov nima negativnega vpliva na usvajanje jezikov, prav tako tudi otroci ne govorijo slabše kot njihovi vrstniki. Imajo enak besednjak, dvojezičnost tudi spodbuja kognitivne sposobnosti otrok. V empiričnem delu sem s pripovedovanjem pravljice in vrednotenjem s pomočjo lestvice splošnega govornega razvoja (natančneje s pripovedovanjem zgodbe) ugotavljal, ali se razlikuje govor enojezičnih in dvojezičnih otrok. Raziskava je pokazala, da se govor bistveno ne razlikuje, zagotovo pa dvojezični otroci ne govorijo slabše kot enojezični. Z anketnim vprašalnikom sem ugotovil, da se vzgojitelji zavedajo pomena dvojezične vzgoje in da jo spodbujajo z različnimi dejavnostmi.

Keywords:govorni razvoj, dvojezična vzgoja, predšolsko obdobje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[B. Ukmar]
Number of pages:65 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91526 This link opens in a new window
UDC:373.2:81'246.2 (043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:11515465 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Bilingualism in the pre-school period
Speech development is one of the most crucial parts of human development. Speech allows us to express our needs and wishes and in addition to that it plays an important social part. The speech development starts very early, even before the formation of first words. Children have an amazing sense for learning languages, without which they would probably never learn how to speak and also understand what others are saying. Even when the child isn't speaking yet, he still communicates with us and that presents the foundation for the first »leap« meaning the first word. That is just the beginning because each day new words are formulated, nouns are joined by verbs and pronouns, they start using past and future tenses, they figure out the correct word order … Children don't learn a language with the same speed, but the »leap« in vocabulary usually happens with everyone. There are different factors that affect the development of speech, such as the quality of the family environment, social and economic status of the family, genetic predispositions and also the kindergarten. The process of learning a language in monolingual and bilingual families is not very different. In bilingual families they usually use different teaching strategies because the child is simultaneously learning two languages. Whether one of the parents speaks the language of the environment or not, it affects the teaching strategy. Even though learning a second language doesn't differentiate very much from learning one language, there are however other factors that also affect the learning process, for example: the child's age, his motivation to learn, linguistic ability and language accessibility. Language accessibility is one of the reasons why two different forms of bilingualism are formed. A new language code can enrich the first language and the knowledge of both languages is equivalent, or it can do just the opposite. The form of bilingualism that is developed is primarily affected by chosen forms for developing bilingualism. Not long ago the popular belief was that multilingualism had a bad impact on language development. New researches show that speaking different languages doesn't affect the language development and that the bilingual children’s speech isn't inferior to the speech of monolingual children. They have the same vocabulary and bilingualism also promotes children's cognitive abilities. In the empirical part I used storytelling and a scale of general language development to find out whether there are any differences between the speech of monolingual and bilingual children. The research showed that there aren't any crucial differences and moreover bilingual children's speech isn't inferior to the speech of monolingual children. I also used a questionnaire which showed that preschool teachers are aware of the importance of bilingual education and that they encourage it with different activities.

Keywords:pre-school child, bilingualism, nursery school, predšolski otrok, dvojezičnost, vrtec

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