
Branje Harryja Potterja in bralna pismenost devetošolcev
ID Pajsar, Agnes (Author), ID Saksida, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4423/ This link opens in a new window

Definicija branja in bralne pismenosti se spreminja premo sorazmerno s spremembami v družbi, gospodarstvu in kulturi. Na bralno pismenost gledamo širše zaradi vedno večjega poudarka na vseživljenjsko učenje. Pismenost ni več le sposobnost prebrati besedilo, česar se naučimo v nižjih razredih osnovne šole, temveč skupek znanja, spretnosti in strategij, ki jih nadgrajujemo vse življenje (Šterman Ivančič, 2013). Opredelitev pismenosti iz raziskave PISA 2000 se glasi: »Bralna pismenost zajema razumevanje, uporabo in razmišljanje o pisanih besedilih, z namenom razviti lasten potencial in znanje ter aktivno sodelovati v družbi.« (Šterman Ivančič, 2013: 31.) Leta 2009 so dodali še bralno zavzetost za pisana besedila (prav tam) in tako je bralna pismenost po novem opredeljena kot: »razumevanje, uporaba, razmišljanje o napisanem besedilu ter zavzetost ob branju tega, kar bralcu omogoča doseganje postavljenih ciljev, razvijanje lastnega znanja in potencialov ter sodelovanje v družbi.« (PISA 2009, 2010: 7.) PISA 2015 je pokazala, da bralna pismenost pri slovenskih osnovnošolcih narašča, saj so, v sklopu zadnje raziskave PISA 2015, v povprečju dosegli boljše rezultate od vrstnikov v državah članicah OECD na vseh nivojih bralne pismenosti (Štraus, Šterman Ivančič in Štigl, 2016). M. Cencič (1999) meni, da je metode in oblike poučevanja pismenosti potrebno razvijati. Novejše oblike poučevanja širijo vlogo učitelja na osebo, ki svoje delo reflektira ter spreminja. Učitelji v Angliji so s tematskim učnim načrtom, glavna tema je bil Harry Potter oziroma knjige o Harryju Potterju, pripomogli k izboljšanju bralne pismenosti in učnega uspeha. Tudi raziskava Kids and family reading report, izvedena v Združenih državah Amerike, ki sta jo opravila Sholastic in Yankelovich leta 2006 (Garlick, 2007), je pokazala, da branje knjig o Harryju Potterju pozitivno vpliva na bralno pismenost, zvišala se je kar pri 90 % bralcev, 75 % jih je po branju knjig o Harryju Potterju izboljšalo učni uspeh. Branje knjig o Harryju Potterju ne vpliva le na bralno pismenost in učni uspeh, ampak tudi na večjo strpnost do stigmatiziranih skupin (Vezzali, 2015). V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo opredelili bralno pismenost ter raziskavo PISA, ki jo v Sloveniji izvajamo vsake tri leta z dijaki prvih letnikov srednjih šol. Pogledali smo si tudi nekaj osnovnih dejstev o zbirki knjig o mladem čarovniku Harryju Potterju in njegovi avtorici J. K. Rowling. Naš raziskovalni namen je bil, s preizkusom bralne pismenosti izvedeti, ali branje knjig o Harryju Potterju lahko poveča bralno pismenost slovenskih šolarjev. Preizkus bralne pismenosti smo oblikovali glede na spremenljivke, ki so pomembne za raziskavo in jim dodali pet sklopov nalog iz preizkusa znanja PISA 2000. Preizkus so reševali devetošolci, ki najbolj ustrezajo tehničnim kriterijem raziskave PISA, torej starosti 15–16 let. Za raziskavo smo uporabili kvantitativno raziskovanje, saj smo želeli dobiti dovolj velik vzorec devetošolcev, da bi lahko dobljene podatke posplošili na večjo množico. Podatke smo pridobili med šolskim časom pri urah slovenščine na treh šolah v notranjski regiji. Preizkus je bil, kot že rečeno, sestavljen iz petih nalog, povzetih iz testa bralne pismenosti PISA 2000, ter vprašanj o spolu, številu prebranih knjig, notranji motivaciji do branja in času branja na teden oziroma dan. Test smo prilagodili tako, da je bil čas reševanja približno eno šolsko uro in so bile vanj vključene različne naloge glede na vrsto in obliko besedil ter vprašanja različnih težavnostnih stopenj. Vključili smo najtežje bralne naloge, da smo ugotovili, ali jih učenci, ki so prebrali več knjig o Harryju Potterju, rešijo bolje. Učenci so na test zapisali tudi začetek in konec reševanja testa, da smo lahko primerjali čas pisanja med učenci, ki niso prebrali nobene knjige, in med učenci, ki so prebrali kakšno knjigo o Harryju Potterju.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91432 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11500617 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Reading Harry Potter and literacy in the ninth grade of primary school
The definition of reading and reading literacy changes with society, economy and culture. Due to the increased emphasis on lifelong learning, reading literacy is now examined from a wider perspective. It is no longer the ability to read a text, which is a skill we learn in the lower grades of elementary school, but a comprehensive set of knowledge, skills and strategies that we build upon our whole life (Šterman Ivančič, 2013). The definition of literacy from the PISA 2000 study reads as follows: "Reading literacy - the capacity to understand, use and reflect on written texts, in order to achieve one’s goals, to develop one’s knowledge and potential, and to participate in society." (Šterman Ivančič, 2013: 31.) In 2009, they added reading engagement in written texts (Šterman Ivančič, 2013), which updated the definition for reading literacy to: "understanding, using, reflecting on and engaging in written texts, in order to achieve one’s goals, to develop one’s knowledge and potential, and to participate in society." (The PISA 2009, 2010: 7.) PISA 2015 showed that reading literacy in Slovenian elementary school students is growing, as they generally performed better in the latest PISA 2015 study than their peers from other OECD member states on all levels of reading literacy (Štraus, Šterman Ivančič in Štigl, 2016). M. Cencič (1999) believes that methods and forms of teaching literacy need to be further developed. Newer forms of teaching expand the role of the teacher to a person that reflects upon their work and constantly modifies it. Teachers in the United Kingdom used a thematic curriculum with the main theme being Harry Potter, namely Harry Potter books, to improve reading literacy and educational attainment. The Kids and family reading report survey, carried out in the United States in 2006 by Sholastic and Yankelovich (Garlick, 2007), showed that reading Harry Potter books has a positive impact on reading literacy, as it increased in 90% of readers, while 75% of readers improved their educational attainment after reading the books. Reading Harry Potter books not only affects the reading literacy and educational attainment, but also increases tolerance of stigmatized groups (Vezzali, 2015). The theoretical part of the thesis defined reading literacy and the PISA survey that is carried out in Slovenia every three years on first-year high school students. It also includes basic facts about the book series on the young wizard Harry Potter and its author J. K. Rowling. The purpose of the research was to test reading literacy and find out whether reading books on Harry Potter can increase reading literacy of Slovene students. The reading literacy test was designed considering the variables that are relevant for this research and five sets of tasks from the PISA test were added. The participants were students of the 9th grade, as they were the best match for the technical criteria of the PISA study, i.e. aged between 15 and 16. In order to obtain a large enough sample of students for a representative sample, a quantitative method was used for this research. The data was obtained during school hours in the Slovene language class at three different schools in the Notranjska region. As previously stated, the test comprised five tasks, taken from the PISA 2000 reading literacy test, as well as questions regarding the gender of the students, the number of books they read, their internal motivation to read and the time they spend reading per week or day. The test was designed to be completed within an hour and comprised different tasks depending on the type and form of texts as well as questions of different levels of difficulty. A few harder reading tasks were also implemented in order to find out whether students that read more Harry Potter books could solve them better. Students also marked when they started and finished taking the test, so a comparison could be made between students that haven't read any books and students that have read Harry Potter books based on the time it took them to finish the test.


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