
Zaznava tuje arome v medu pri potrošnikih in šolanih preskuševalcih
ID Gramc, Karin (Author), ID Korošec, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a55bc37d-2c2f-4a9d-9da2-54927b476814

Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali potrošniki lahko prepoznajo prisotne morebitne napake arome v dveh vrstah medu, ki ju dobro poznajo. V cvetlični in gozdni med smo dodali tri različne arome za živila (po ananasa, dimu in timijanu), v manjši in večji koncentraciji. Pri ocenjevanju je sodelovalo 70 potrošnikov in panel šolanih preskuševalcev. Pri potrošnikih smo uporabili tri različne senzorične metode: preskus triangel, ocenjevanje všečnosti z 9-točkovno hedonsko lestvico in razvrščanje po všečnosti. Potrošniki so izpolnjevali tudi anketni vprašalnik, s pomočjo katerega smo preverjali njihove navade uživanja medu in poznavanje medu. Pri šolanem panelu smo uporabili dve senzorični metodi: preskus triangel in ocenjevanje medu z vrednotenjem napak. Na osnovi senzorične ocene in statistične obdelave podatkov smo ugotovili, da so tako potrošniki kot tudi šolan panel najbolje ocenili oba kontrolna vzorca (C10 in G10), brez dodanih arom. Najslabše so bili ocenjeni vzorci medu z dodano aromo po dimu. Ugotovili smo še, da med moškimi in ženskami, ki so sodelovali v potrošniškem panelu, ni razlik v zaznavi tuje arome v medu. Prav tako smo potrdili, da potrošniki dveh starostnih skupin podobno zaznavajo tujo aromo v medu. S pomočjo fizikalno-kemijske analize smo preverjali vsebnost vode in električno prevodnost v določenih vzorcih medu. Rezultati so pokazali, da vsi preverjeni vzorci cvetličnega in gozdnega medu ustrezajo predpisanim vrednostim v Pravilniku o medu (2011) in da dodatek arome ni vplival na spremembo teh dveh parametrov.

Keywords:med, cvetlični med, gozdni med, potrošniki, preskuševalci, senzorična sprejemljivost, senzorične lastnosti, aroma, tuja aroma, senzorično ocenjevanje, senzorične metode, 9-točkovna hedonska lestvica, razvrščanje po všečnosti triangel, vrednotenje napak
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[K. Gramc]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91422 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4768120 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.04.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Detection of taint aroma in honey by consumers and trained assessors
The purpose of the survey was to determine whether consumers are able to identify possible differences in the aroma of two types of honey, with which they are well familiar. We added three different food aromas (aroma of pineapple, smoke, and thyme) in two concentrations in a sample of floral and a sample of forest honey. The sensory assessment of the honey samples was performed by a panel of 70 consumers and a panel of trained assessors. We used three different sensory methods for consumer panel: a triangle test, an evaluation of acceptability with a 9-point hedonic scale, and ranking according to liking of the sample. Consumers also filled out a questionnaire, through which we determined their honey consumption habits and knowledge on honey. We used two sensory methods for the trained panel: a triangle test and an evaluation of honey with the defect valuation method. Based on sensory evaluation and statistical data processing, we determined that consumers and trained panel best rated both control samples with no added aromas (C10 and G10). Honey samples with smoke aroma obtained lowest rates for liking and acceptability. We determined no difference in the perception of foreign aromas in honey between men and women who participated in the consumer panel. We also confirmed that consumers of two age groups similarly perceive foreign aromas in honey. With the help by the physico-chemical analysis, we examined the water content and electrical conductivity in certain honey samples. The results showed that all tested samples of floral and forest honey correspond to the values laid down in the Rules on honey (2011) and that the addition of aromas does not affect the change in these two parameters.

Keywords:honey, floral honey, forest honey, consumers, trained assessors, sensory acceptability, sensory properties, aroma, taint aroma, sensory assessment, sensory methods, 9-point hedonic scale, ranking according to liking, triangle test, defect valuation

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