
Klinični rezultati obratne artroplastike ramenskega sklepa pomembni za načrtovanje fizioterapevtske obravnave : pregled literature
ID Živanovič, Eva (Author), ID Hlebš, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: F8A20A35FD2AD2D6C874ED25984C4585
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4f96a880-43de-4380-af0b-da24f724d33f

Uvod: Obratna proteza ramenskega sklepa se je pojavila kot alternativa za zdravljenje okvar v rami z oslabljenimi mišicami rotatorne manšete. V glenoidno kotanjo se vstavi konveksni kroglični vsadek, glava nadlahtnice pa predstavlja konkavno komponento sklepa. To omogoča deltoidni mišici, da nadomešča funkcijo oslabljenih mišic rotatorne manšete. Posledično se spremeni tudi skapulohumeralni ritem. Fizioterapevtska obravnava bi morala temeljiti na zaščiti sklepa, izboljšanju funkcije deltoidne mišice in vzpostavitvi primernih funkcijskih pričakovanj. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na podlagi pregleda literature predstaviti obratno artroplastiko ramenskega sklepa in izpostaviti njen pomen za načrtovanje fizioterapije. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo raziskovanja s pregledom literature preko podatkovnih baz PubMed, Medline, Science Direct, Cochrane library, Cinahl, PEDro in COBISS/OPAC. Kvaliteto študij smo ocenili po CEBM in PEDro lestvicah. Rezultati: Obratna artroplastika ramenskega sklepa je učinkovita v izboljšanju aktivne abdukcije in antefleksije, funkcije rame in zmanjšanju bolečine, merjenih z vprašalniki in izvedbenimi testi, rezultati izometrične moči in aktivne zunanje ter notranje rotacije pa so nezadovoljivi. S pasivnim razgibavanjem in imobilizacijo dobro učinkujemo na celjenje tkiva po operaciji, na klinične probleme po posegu lahko učinkovito vplivamo s terapevtsko vadbo, masažo, raztezanjem in mobilizacijo lopatice. Kratkoročno zmanjšanje bolečine med gibanjem in ponoči ter povečanje neboleče aktivne gibljivosti dosežemo s terapijo s kinezio trakovi. Vadba za stabilizacijo lopatice izboljša izometrično moč oblopatičnih mišic, funkcijo rame in zmanjša bolečino, merjeno z izvedbenimi testi in vprašalniki, mobilizacija lopatice pa lahko pripomore k izboljšanju njenega motoričnega nadzora. Razprava in sklep: Trenutno ni z dokazi podprte literature o fizioterapevtski obravnavi preiskovancev po obratni artroplastiki ramenskega sklepa. Nadaljnje študije bi zaradi spremenjenega skapulohumeralnega ritma in povečane aktivnosti oblopatičnih mišic morale raziskati vpliv vadbe za stabilizacijo, mobilizacije in izboljšanja motoričnega nadzora lopatice na klinične probleme po obratni artroplastiki rame. Zaradi večjega vključevanja deltoidne mišice v gibe zgornjega uda je potrebno izboljšati njeno zmogljivost, večjo aktivnost mišice pa lahko dosežemo s povratno biološko zanko.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, obratna artroplastika rame, klinični rezultati, skapulohumeralni ritem, stabilizacija lopatice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher: [E. Živanovič]
Number of pages:38 str., [1] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91363 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5236843 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.03.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Clinical results of reverse shoulder arthroplasty relevant for planning physiotherapy treatment : literature review
Introduction: Reverse shoulder prosthesis emerged as an alternative to treating shoulder dysfunction with weak rotator cuff muscles. A spherical convex implant is inserted in the glenoid fossa, while the humerus head represents the concave component of the joint. This allows the deltoid muscle to substitute for the weak rotator cuff muscles function. Consequently, the scapulohumeral rhythm also changes. Physiotherapeutic treatment should focus on protection of the joint, improvement of deltoid muscle function and establishment of suitable functional expectations. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present reverse shoulder arthroplasty through literature review and focus on its importance for planning physiotherapy. Methods: The descriptive research method was used with literature review through databases PubMed, Medline, Science Direct, Cochrane library, Cinahl, PEDro and COBISS/OPAC. The quality of the studies was assessed using CEBM and PEDro scales. Results: Reverse shoulder arthroplasty is effective in improving active anteflexion, abduction, shoulder function and pain reduction, which were measured with questionnaires and performance tests, however the results of isometric strength and active range of internal and external rotation are unsatisfactory. Passive motion therapy and immobilisation have positive effects on tissue healing after the operation; scapula therapeutic exercise, massage, stretching and mobilisation of scapula can effectively influence clinical problems after the surgical procedure. Kinesiotaping has good short-term effects on pain during movement and night pain, as well as on increased painless active range of motion. Stabilization exercises improve isometric strength of muscles around the scapula, shoulder function and reduce pain, which were measured with performance tests and questionnaires, whereas the mobilization of the scapula can aid in the improvement of its motor control. Discussion and conclusion: At the moment there is no evidence-based literature on physiotherapeutic treatment of patients after reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Due to changed scapulohumeral rhythm and increased activity of muscles around the scapula, further studies should research effects of scapula stabilization, mobilization and improvement of the scapula motor control on clinical results after reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Because of increased integration of deltoid muscle in upper limb motion it is necessary to improve its performance, while it is possible to achieve a larger activity of the muscle with biofeedback.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, reverse shoulder arthroplasty, clinical outcomes, scapulohumeral rhythm, scapula stabilization

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