
Identifikacija in overjanje
ID DOLENEC, PETER (Author), ID Jurišić, Aleksandar (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A54DA181B5E8195E9118FBB941E2C105
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a388b924-265d-4fbf-94dd-d8443f19fa33

Dan danes na vsakem koraku uporabljamo gesla za prijavo v različne sisteme. Če želimo zadostiti nekim minimalnim varnostnim zahtevam, moramo za vsak sistem (spletno stran) uporabljati drugo geslo, ki pa mora biti tudi dovolj kompleksno. Vsa ta gesla pa si je praktično nemogoče zapomniti, zato rabimo posebne aplikacije, ki skrbijo za njihovo varno hranjenje. Najprej si bomo pogledali osnove overjanja. Pri tem bomo predstavili različne načine overjanja (z gesli, biometričnimi podatki ter varnostnimi žetoni) in njihove prednosti ter slabosti. Opisali bomo nekaj aplikacij, ki rešujejo problem upravljanja z gesli ter njihove pristope. Glavni del magistrske naloge opisuje izdelavo aplikacije za hranjenje gesel. Aplikacija je sestavljena iz dveh delov. Prvi del predstavlja mobilna aplikacija in je namenjena hranjenju gesel, drugi del pa je aplikacija namenjena uporabi na računalniku in se uporablja za dostop do shranjenih gesel.

Keywords:gesla, upravljanje z gesli, varnost gesel, simetrična kriptografija, IJK.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91348 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.03.2017
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Title:Identification and Entity Authentication
We use passwords for logging in different systems on a daily basis. If we want to satisfy some minimal security requirements, we need to use a different password for every system (web page) and this password must also be sufficiently complex. It is hard to remember so many passwords. That’s why we need special applications for safely storing them. First we will present the basic of authentication. We will start by going through different kinds of authentications (with passwords, biometric data and security tokens) and present their advantages and weaknesses. We will also present a few applications that deal with this problem. The main part describes the development of our application for storing passwords. The application consists of two parts. The first part is mobile application and is intended for storing passwords. The second part is an application designed for a computer and is used for accessing stored passwords.

Keywords:passwords, passwords management, passwords safety, symmetric cryptography, PKI.

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