
Analiza postopkov za priključevanje v brezžična omrežja
ID Lavrinec, Marko (Author), ID Zimic, Nikolaj (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B6979624223CC594D7324C3BD7EB95FD
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/6c01da4d-2b51-4489-bb19-e2ce97ae9343

V tem diplomskem delu smo podrobno analizirali protokole za priključevanja na brezžična omrežja. V začetku smo spoznali postopek prijave na odprta omrežja, kasneje pa še na omrežja, zaščitena z različnimi algoritmi. Pri vseh smo se seznanili s sporočili, ki se ob prijavi na omrežje izmenjajo, prav tako pa smo preverili tudi, kakšna so varnostna tveganja pri njihovi uporabi. Glavni poudarek testiranj je bil na odprtih omrežjih s kasnejšim zahtevanjem prijave. Tu smo najprej spoznali, kakšna so ta omrežja, kaj ponujajo in kje jih najdemo. Sledilo je preverjanje varnosti. Poizkušali smo prestreči geslo in na več načinov zaobiti prijavo. V nekaterih primerih nam je to tudi uspelo. S tem smo dokazali, da taka omrežja ne ponujajo visoke stopnje varnosti in da moramo biti pri njihovi uporabi previdni.

Keywords:brezžična omrežja, analiza priključevanja, varnost brezžičnih omrežij, šifrirni algoritmi, prisluškovanje brezžičnemu omrežju
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91345 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.03.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of Protocols used for Connecting to Wireless Networks
In this thesis we have conducted a detailed analysis of protocols used for connecting to wireless networks. First we studies the procedure of registering to open networks and then to networks protected with various algorithms. With all procedures we examined the messages that are exchanged when registering to a certain network and we checked the security risks involved. The main emphasis was given to open networks with subsequent requests for registering. First we got to know these networks; we examined what they are like, what they have to offer and where we could find them. Next we checked the security. We tried to intercept a password and avoid registering. In some cases we succeeded, which proves that such networks do not provide a high level of security and that one should be careful when using them.

Keywords:wireless networks, analysis of connecting, security of wireless networks, encryption algorithms, spying on wireless networks

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