
Dopolnjevanje podatkov play-by-play z analizo premikov igralcev
ID ČELEŠNIK, MIHA (Author), ID Kononenko, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/95e8ff11-02c5-464c-bc12-d6a4dd68f4e0

V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen razvoj aplikacije za avtomatsko obdelavo podatkov SportVU-ja s košarkarskih tekem NBA. Po kratkem uvodu v drugem poglavju kot vir podatkov predstavimo snemalni sistem SportVU ter tehnologije, knjižnice in orodja, ki so bili uporabljeni pri razvoju. Tretje poglavje prinaša natančen opis vhodnih podatkov. V nadaljevanju je opisan javanski podatkovni model, način pristopa k reševanju problema in glavni algoritem, ki je jedro aplikacije. V tem poglavju predstavimo tudi testiranje in rezultate pravilnosti algoritma ter opišemo nekatere funkcionalnosti, s katerimi smo eksperimentirali, a niso nujno vključene v aplikacijo. Peto poglavje vsebuje opis rezultatov kot izhod algoritma ter navaja težave, s katerimi smo se soočali. Zaključek predstavi ugotovitve in možnosti nadaljnje uporabe naših ugotovitev.

Keywords:NBA, SportVU, Play-by-play, Avtomatska obdelava podatkov
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.03.2017
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Title:Filling in Play-by-play data with player movement analysis
This thesis presents the development of an application for automatic processing of SportVU data from basketball games. A short introduction is followed by a chapter, in which the recording system SportVU as the data source is presented next to the technologies, libraries and tools used in the development. The third chapter gives a detailed description of the input data. In continuation, a Java data model, means of approach to the salvation of the problem and the main algorithm, which is the core of application, are presented. This chapter also shows testing and results of algorithm regularity as well as describes some functionalities, which were part of the experiments, but are not necessarily included into the application. The fifth chapter contains the description of results as an output of the algorithm and lists the problems that arose during the experiments. The concluding part of the thesis presents the findings and possibilities for further use of the latter.

Keywords:NBA, SportVU, Play-by-play, Automatic data processing

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