
Primernost aplikacije Pantheon Farming za ekološko kmetijstvo
ID KOŽELJ BRILEJ, SIMONA (Author), ID Rupnik, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 2A3A0CAE62BB9BAF2FE83B403AD4682C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2f2476a0-45d2-4953-a609-e71bc69c5668

V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena uvedba aplikacije Pantheon Farming za vodenje kmetijskega gospodarstva s poudarkom na modulu poljedelstvo. Aplikacija je bila vpeljana na kmetiji Trdin, ki se ukvarja z rastlinsko pridelavo in predelavo. Do sedaj so podatke večino vodili ročno na papirju in s pomočjo programa za urejanje preglednic. Z vpeljavo aplikacije želijo optimizirati vnos podatkov in iz nje pridobiti informacije, na podlagi katerih sprejemajo odločitve o nadaljnjem poslovanju. V drugem poglavju je opisano kratek razvoj kmetijstva na slovenskih tleh, tipi kmetijskih gospodarstev in kdo so zaposleni na kmetijah. V tretjem poglavju so opisane evidence, ki jih najpogosteje vodijo na ekoloških kmetijah ter izračun kalkulacije. Na koncu je tabela, ki vsebuje primerjavo sklopov podatkov iz obveznih evidenc in kalkulacije. V četrtem poglavju je opisana aplikacija Pantheon Farming, pregled izpisov obveznih evidenc. Na koncu ugotavljamo ali je aplikacija primerna za vodenje ekološke kmetije.

Keywords:ekološko kmetijstvo, rastlinska pridelava, aplikacija za kmetije
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91214 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.03.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The compliancy of Pantheon farming aplication for ecological farming
In this thesis the introduction of application Pantheon Farming for management of agricultural economy with emphasis on crop production module and organic farming is presented. The application was introduced on the farm Trdin, which deals with crop production and processing. Until now, the data was mostly managed by hand on paper and with help of the application for spreadsheet editing. With introducing of information system they wish to optimize the input of data and get information, based on which they except decisions about further management. In chapter two, a brief development of farming on Slovenian ground, types of agricultural economy and who are employees on farms, are described. In chapter three, records that are most often managed on organic farms, are described. In the end there is a table that contains comparison of data set of mandatory records. In chapter four the application Pantheon Farming, overview display of mandatory records is described. In the end we are trying to found out if this application is suitable for managing an organic farm.

Keywords:organic farming, crop production, application for farms

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