
Možnosti zagotavljanja povezljivosti navideznih in resničnih računalnikov
ID HUSKIĆ, AMIR (Author), ID Ciglarič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8DD6E475772DC2981CD236A27CD86412
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0f2133f0-00b7-4377-918f-7420a2bd8c9c

Virtualizacija je omogočila razvoj računalništva v oblaku, ki je v zadnjih letih med najmočnejšimi trendi na področju informacijskih tehnologij. Zaradi številnih prednosti virtualizacije in računalništva v oblaku uporabniki virtualizirajo vedno več obstoječe informacijske infrastrukture. Obstajajo pa primeri, ko tega ni možno narediti, in takrat je pogosto treba zagotoviti vsaj omrežno povezljivost oblačne infrastrukture s fizično infrastrukturo na način, kot da se obe nahajata v istem krajevnem omrežju. V magistrski nalogi smo najprej naredili pregled področja ter obstoječih tehnologij: virtualizacija, SDN, NV, NFV in odprtokodne oblačne platforme. Naredili smo pregled mehanizmov za izolacijo uporabnikov na 2. in 3. plasti komunikacijskega sklada z uporabo virtualnih omrežij, programskih virtualnih stikal, različnih programskih vtičnikov in tunelskih protokolov. Raziskali smo različne modele in arhitekture varnega povezovanja oblačne infrastrukture, predvsem njenih virtualiziranih komponent s fizično informacijsko infrastrukturo. Na praktičnih primerih smo preverili, na kakšen način se lahko omogoči povezovanje in komunikacija med virtualnimi računalniki in fizično infrastrukturo ter raziskali možnosti orkestracije in avtomatizacije postopkov postavljanja takšnih arhitektur. Pri delu smo bili osredotočeni na odprtokodno oblačno platformo OpenStack, ki je trenutno najbolj razširjena. Na koncu smo identificirali omejitve in pomanjkljivosti različnih obstoječih modelov in arhitektur ter ovrednotili produkcijsko zrelost posameznih možnih rešitev povezovanja fizične in virtualne infrastrukture.

Keywords:virtualizacija, SDN, NV, NFV, OpenStack, Neutron
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91203 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.03.2017
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Title:Options for providing connectivity of virtual and real computers
Virtualization has enabled the development of cloud computing, which during the last couple of years, has increasingly become one of the most important Information Technology trends. With the numerous advantages afforded by virtualization and cloud computing, users can virtualize an increasing percentage of the existing IT infrastructure. However, there are cases where this cannot be done. Should this happen, it is often imperative to provide at least network connectivity for cloud infrastructures with the physical infrastructure in such a way as to guarantee that they are both located in the same local area network at these times. The Master’s Thesis first examines the field itself and the matter of existing technologies: virtualization, SDN, NV, NFV, as well as open-source cloud platforms. We have drawn up an overview of the user isolating mechanisms used for isolating the Layer 2 and Layer 3 networks through the use of virtual networks, software virtual switches, various software plugins and tunnelling protocols. We looked at various models and architectures which would enable a safe integration with the cloud infrastructure, especially its virtualized component, with physical IT infrastructure. We used practical examples to ascertain how such interfaces and communication can be allowed for networking and communication between virtual computers and the physical infrastructure, also looking into the orchestration and automation of the procedures employed in setting up such architectures. Our work mainly centred on the most frequently used open-source cloud platform, i.e. the OpenStack. In the end, we identified the limitations and shortcomings of various existing models and architecture, and evaluated the production maturity of individual possible solutions for linking the physical and virtual infrastructure.

Keywords:virtualization, SDN, NV, NFV, OpenStack, Neutron

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