
Slikovno dokumentiranje in razvoj sistema za zajem in ureditev fotografske dokumentacije v gradbeništvu
ID DOLENC, SABINA (Author), ID Solina, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/814f2511-f650-4ce5-8fe9-4cf4ebc0a45b

Slikovno dokumentiranje v gradbeništvu med samo gradnjo predstavlja dejansko sliko poteka projekta. Fotografije so sočasni zapis tistega, kar se je dejansko dogajalo v danem trenutku med izvedbo projekta. Pri manjših projektih vodenje dokumentacije ne predstavlja večjega problema, težave pa se pojavijo pri večjih projektih zaradi zapletene strukture samega projekta in težko obvladljive podatkovne zbirke. Vodenje in organiziranost sprotne dokumentacije večjih projektov tako postane pravi izziv, kateremu je lahko v veliko pomoč tudi ustrezna vizualizacija podatkov. V nalogi smo analizirali širši trend vedno večje prevlade vizualnih informacij v gradbeništvu v zadnjih letih in opredelili kako se ta trend odraža v spremembah pri dokumentiranju gradbenih projektov. Na osnovi narejene analize smo naredili načrt in razvili konkreten sistem za pomoč pri dokumentiranju in optimiziranju vodenja fotografske dokumentacije, ki nastane med izvajanjem gradbenih projektov. Z našim sistemom je vodenje fotografske dokumentacije enotno strukturirano, pregledno in cenovno ugodno. Sistem je možno razširiti in ga uporabiti tudi na drugih področjih.

Keywords:dokumentiranje, gradbeništvo, vizualna dokumentacija, fotografska dokumentacija, informacijski model zgradbe (BIM)
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91190 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.03.2017
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Title:Pictorial documentation and development of a system for the collection and organization of photographic documentation in construction industry
Pictorial documentation in the building industry during the construction process presents a true picture of the project. The photographs are contemporaneous record of what was actually happening at any given time during the course of the project. For small projects keeping documentation doesn’t present a major problem. Difficulties arise with larger projects due to the complex structure and unmanageable data base, where management and organization of current documentation becomes a real challenge. In this case data visualization can be of a great help. In this work we analyzed the general trend of the increasing dominance of visual information in the construction sector in recent years, and identified how this trend is reflected in changes in the documentation of construction projects. Based on the above analysis, we made a plan and developed system to assist in documenting and optimizing the management of photographic documentation generated during the implementation of construction projects. With our system the structure of the photographic documentation is unified, clear, and inexpensive. The developed system is possible to expand and use in other fields as well.

Keywords:documentation, building industry, vizual documentation, photographic documentation, Building Information Modeling (BIM)

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