
Zagotavljanje zdravstvene oskrbe na množičnih športnih prireditvah - primer Maraton Franja : poročilo o primeru
ID Golob, Sara (Author), ID Slabe, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kramar, Janez (Comentor)

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MD5: F066BB7B25C5A60E8AC23CC7C83D0879
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/610d9742-e7c7-464f-a9a1-60735bdd1f45

Uvod: Športnih prireditev, ki so namenjene širokemu krogu ljudi, je iz dneva v dan več. Katera koli množična prireditev, ne glede na zvrst, ni brez tveganja in izzivov. Varnost tekmovalcev, gledalcev in ostalih udeleženih mora biti vedno na prvem mestu. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na primeru Maratona Franje prikazati urejenost zdravstvene oskrbe v okviru množičnih športnih prireditev. Metode: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom tuje in domače literature, ki je bila pridobljena preko oddaljenega dostopa Zdravstvene fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Rezultati: Maraton Franja so prvič izvedli leta 1982. Maraton je rekreativno-tekmovalna prireditev z najdaljšo tradicijo pri nas. Za organizacijo tako velike prireditve je potrebno veliko časa in dobro poznavanje slovenske področne zakonodaje. Pomemben pravni akt, ki ga morajo upoštevati pri organizaciji Maratona Franje, je Pravilnik o službi nujne medicinske pomoči. Pravilnik določa število prisotnih reševalnih ekip na prireditvi na podlagi tipa prireditve in tveganja, ki ga izda splošna nujna medicinska pomoč. Reševalne službe morajo predložiti organizatorju potrdilo, da lahko izvajajo zdravstveno varstvo na prireditvah ter potrdila o strokovni usposobljenosti zdravstvenega osebja. Razprava in sklep: Maraton Franja je srednje zahtevna prireditev tipa B, kar zahteva prisotnost najmanj ene ekipe z reanimobilom in ene ekipe z nujnim reševalnim vozilom. Trasa je na nekaterih delih nevarna, kjer pri tolikšnem številu kolesarjev lahko pride do nezgode in posledično tudi do veliko poškodovanih. Na maratonu je po izkušnjah iz prejšnjih let prisotno večje število reševalnih ekip, ki lahko zagotovijo ustrezno zdravstveno oskrbo.

Keywords:zdravstveno varstvo na prireditvah, Maraton Franja, športna aktivnost, kolesarske prireditve, zakonodaja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91173 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5244523 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.03.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The provision of medical care at mass sporting events - example Marathon Franja : case report
Introduction: Sports events, which are intended for a wide range of people, are from day to day more. Any media event, regardless of the genre, it is not without risks and challenges. The safety of competitors, spectators and other participants must always be in the first place. Purpose: The Purpose of the thesis is the case of the Marathon Franja which shows the organization of health care in the context of mass sporting events. Methods: We used on the descriptive method to work with a review of the foreign and domestic literature, which has been obtained via the remote access Medical faculty, University of Ljubljana. Results: Marathon Franja was first performed in 1982. Marathon is a recreational-competitive event with the longest tradition in our country. For the organisation of such a large event takes a lot of time and good knowledge of the Slovenian sector-specific legislation. An important legal act, which must be taken into account in the organisation of the Marathon Franja is the Policy of the service of the emergency medical assistance. Policy sets out the number of active rescue teams at the event, on the basis of the type of the event and risk, issued by the general emergency medical assistance. The rescue services must submit to the organiser a certificate of carrying out health care at events, and certificates of professional competence of healthcare personnel. Discussion and conclusion: The Marathon Franja is a medium challenging events of type B, which requires the presence of at least one team with reanimobil and one of the team with the emergency rescue vehicle. The route is in some parts dangerous, where the presence of so many cyclists can cause an accident and consequently also many injured. In a marathon, according to the experience from previous years, a larger number of rescue teams, which can provide appropriate medical care, are present.

Keywords:health risk, health care at events, Marathon Franja, sport activity, cycling events, legislation

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