
Navidezna kabina za pomerjanje oblek na spletu
ID JELOVŠEK, ROK (Author), ID Marolt, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 72C2C3C10C5DD63166B7AEF827ABE25E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0cb6e6c3-2d38-4d5e-a051-792ffbae1b26

S tem delom želimo prikazati simulacijo tkanine, jo prenesti na 3D modele oblačil in jih uporabiti pri oblačenju 3D modela človeka. Za simulacijo uporabljamo metodo mase in vzmeti, ki tkanino razdeli na delce določene mase in jih poveže z različnimi vzmetmi. Premikanje delcev se vrti okoli Newtonovega drugega zakona, z vzmetmi pa poskušamo preprečiti deformacije. Za spreminjanje 3D modela človeka uporabljamo izpeljanko prostorske metode deformacije, za izrisovanje na spletni strani knjižnico Three.js. Za detekcijo trkov med modelom oblačila in človeka uporabljamo prostorsko razdelitev. Kot obiskovalci lahko prilagodimo model človeka, da nam je kar se da podoben, izberemo spol, telesne mere, ponujen kos oblačila, velikost in barvo. Odločimo se lahko med mehkim in trdim materialom, kar aplikacijo naredi bolj fleksibilno. Nato lahko zaženemo simulacijo in si ogledamo, kako se oblačilo prilagaja telesu.

Keywords:simulacija, tkanina, model, oblačenje, splet, knjižnica, delec, vzmet
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91167 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.03.2017
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Secondary language

Title:A virtual fitting room on the web
The aim was to familiarize ourselves with cloth simulation, translate it into 3D clothing models and use them to dress a 3D human model. For the simulation, a mass-spring model was used, which divides the cloth into many particles with mass and connects them by various springs. Particle movement is based on Newton's second law and springs have been put in place to prevent deformations. An extension of the space deformation method and the Three.js library for drawing on a website were used to change the 3D human model. For detecting collision between the clothing and the human model, a space division method was used. As visitors we can modify the human body model, so that it looks like us as much as possible; choose its gender, body sizes, clothing, clothing size and color. We can choose between a soft and hard material, which makes the application more flexible. Then we can start the simulation and see how the clothing conforms to the body.

Keywords:simulation, cloth, model, dressing, web, library, particle, spring

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