
Odpornost zvočnega vodnega žiga na napade
ID ISOVSKI, DOMINIK (Author), ID Meža, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: F1C96B1AF98E8BA1D8E34B66622F00A4
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/87aeec3c-2231-41e8-842e-030853327565

Zaradi velikih finančnih izgub, ki jih povzroča nezakonito širjenje avtorskih del, je potreba po tehnologiji, ki bi jih uspešno zaščitila, velika. V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočil na robustni zvočni vodni žig in njegovo odpornost na napade. Predstavil sem orodja za vodno žigosanje, detekcijo vodnih žigov in napade nanje. Orodja sem preizkusil na treh različnih zvočnih posnetkih, katerim sem vrinil vodni žig. Ugotovil sem, da dodani vodni žig nosilni signal izraziteje popači pri govoru. Pri glasbi, posebej klasični, je popačenje skoraj zanemarljivo. Te vodne žige sem nato napadal s šumom, izgubnim transkodiranjem, spreminjanjem hitrosti in višine predvajanja ter z analogno zanko kanala. Pred in po napadih sem ocenil zaznavno popačenje zvoka in na podlagi ocen določil najučinkovitejše napade. Ugotovil sem, da na napade s spreminjanjem hitrosti in višine ločeno ali sorazmerno, vendar z višjo intenzivnostjo, ni dovolj odporen. To se je pokazalo kot velika varnostna luknja, saj je s takim napadom mogoče ohraniti relativno kakovosten posnetek, pri tem pa vodni žig razbiti. Smiselnost zvočnega vodnega žiga za zaščito avtorskih pravic sem zaradi slabe odpornosti na določene napade, relativno zaznavnega popačenja zvoka in težkega dokazovanja kršitev označil kot vprašljivo.

Keywords:avdio, zvočni, vodni žig, napad, AWT2, Reaper, avtorske pravice, zaščita
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91125 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.03.2017
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Title:Audio watermark attack resilience
Due to the large financial losses caused by illegal distribution of copyrighted materials, there is a strong necessity for the technology that would prevent such actions. In my diploma thesis I focused on the robust audio watermark and its resilience to attacks. I have described the tools for watermarking, watermark detection and watermark attacks. I tested the tools on three different, previously watermarked audio tracks. Thus I found out, that by embedding watermark, the distortion of the carrier signal is more significant in speech, while in music, especially classical, the distortion is almost negligible. Then I attacked those watermarks by noise, lossy transcoding, playback speed and pitch changing, as well as by analog loop channel. On the basis of estimates of the detectable audio distortion, which I carried out before and after the attacks, I was able to determine the most effective attacks. I also realised that the watermark is not resilient enough against attacks with the method of changing speed and pitch separately or proportionally, but with higher intensity. It turned out to be a big security hole, since after any such attack it is possible to preserve a relatively high-quality of audio track and to destroy watermark at the same time. I tagged the reasonableness of the watermark as questionable, because of the bad resilience to certain attacks, relatively detectable audio distortion and difficult infringement proving.

Keywords:audio, sound, watermark, attack, AWT2, Reaper, copyright, protection

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