
Uporaba nabora multimedijskih orodij za mednarodno predstavitev mostu "Pašerele" čez reko Sočo na Goriškem
ID POPIT, DIJANA (Author), ID Policardi, Franco (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8CEEE82F9216D2BF8C0106A04DD2B2F8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/92f0c15a-e54c-4a07-94f1-73fb2e08a78b

V pričujočem delu je predstavljen potek projekta, ki smo ga začeli izvajati v maju 2014 pod mentorstvom dr. Franca Policardija, glavnega distributerja uporabljenega gradiva g. Maria Mute ter g. Petra Gruntarja, ki nam je pomagal pri rekonstrukciji mostu v AvtoCAD-u 2012. Problem našega projekta je bil kako z uporabo standardnih metod in multimedije zabrisati mejo, ki je nastala med Slovenijo in Italijo, bolj natančno med potomci ljudi, ki so nekdaj živeli pod skupno državo Avstro-Ogrsko. Obe večji mesti napaja utrip tako slovenskih kot italijanskih državljanov, zato smo se odločili, da obudimo spomin na Most, ki je pred 1. sv. vojno povezoval kraja blizu obeh omenjenih mest. Po podrobni mednarodni zgodovinski raziskavi smo virtualno rekonstruirali most v programu AutoCAD po prvotnih načrtih izpred stotih let. Za ta namen smo uporabili vse še danes znano fotografsko gradivo ter pisne vire od 18. st. dalje. Ciljali smo na izdelek napisan na papirju in tudi na demonstrativni fizični izdelek: na dan Soške regate 7.9.2014 smo postavili na točen kraj čez Sočo 2D maketo bivšega mostu. Naredili smo tudi dvojezično spletno stran ter kratko video predstavitev. Kot sedanji zaključek projekta smo napisali dvojezično knjigo z naslovom Rad bi spet bil katera je nastala v sodelovanju z g. Mariom Mutom in dr. Francem Policardijem, da bi naredili korak proti ponovni združitvi ljudi.

Keywords:multimedija, most, programska orodja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91060 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.03.2017
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This thesis presents the progress of our project initiated in May 2014, under the mentorship of Dr. Franc Policardi, Mr. Mario Muto as the main provider of all the material we have used for the project and Mr. Peter Gruntar, who helped us with the bridge reconstruction in AutoCAD 2012. The main focus of our project was to find a way to blur the division between Slovenia and Italy, specifically between the descendants of the people once united under the Austro-Hungarian Empire, using multimedia and other standard methods. Considering that the two major cities in the area – Gorizia and Nova Gorica – are both home for actual Slovenian as well as actual Italian citizens, we decided to revive the memory of The Bridge that connected the areas of the two cities before the WW1. After a thorough international-history research we have reconstructed the bridge using AutoCAD software, following the original plans dating back 100 years. For this purpose we used all the still existing photographic material and written sources from the 18 th century onwards. Since our goal was not only to produce a written work, but to create a physical product, we placed a 2D model on the exact spot where the original Bridge stayed over the Soča river, on the day of the Soča Rowing Regatta – Sep 7 th 2014. A website in both Slovenian and Italian was made, as well as a short video presentation. We have also written a book with the title Rad bi spet bil (I Wish to Be Again), with the collaboration of Mr. Mario Muto and Dr. Franc Policardi, wishing to step toward reuniting the people once again.

Keywords:multimedia, bridge, software, software tools

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