
ID SIRK, MARJAN (Author), ID Vodovnik, Zvone (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 14FA87AEDE81869BB7B75F829B1B5E03
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/ba9f7702-201f-491a-8be8-4843e410bad2

Zaposlovanje vojaških oseb se lahko izvaja na različne načine in z različnimi tipi pogodb o zaposlitvi. V Republiki Sloveniji (RS) vojaške osebe sklepajo atipične pogodbe o zaposlitvi za določen čas oziroma do določene starostne meje. Delovnopravni položaj vojaških oseb kot temeljni predpis ureja Zakon o obrambi, delovnopravna vprašanja vojaških oseb kot javnih uslužbencev ureja Zakon o javnih uslužbencih, splošni predpis za vse kategorije zaposlenih oseb je Zakon o delovnih razmerjih, za področje zaposlovanja vojaških oseb pa so pomembna tudi nekatera določila Zakona o službi v Slovenski vojski. V magistrskem delu je raziskana pravna ureditev zaposlovanja vojaških oseb ter dejansko izvajanje teh določil v Republiki Sloveniji. Na podlagi teorije o človeškem kapitalu je ocenjena smotrnost takšne ureditve. Opravljena je mednarodna primerjava s pravnimi ureditvami nekaterih izbranih držav. Med metodami je poudarjen tudi osebni pogled pripadnikov slovenske in tujih vojska na obravnavano tematiko, kar prispeva tako k znanstveni kot praktični uporabnosti raziskave. Opravljena raziskava v celoti potrjuje hipotezo, da je pravna ureditev atipičnih pogodb o zaposlitvi vojaških oseb specifično urejena s področnimi predpisi, vendar dejansko izvajanje v praksi nakazuje na pomanjkljivo ureditev in delno neprimerno izvajanje. Prav tako je delno potrjena druga hipoteza, in sicer, da so tudi v izbranih tujih pravnih ureditvah sledili podobnim zahtevam kot v Sloveniji, a se izbrane rešitve vendarle razlikujejo. V zaključku dela so podani tudi predlogi za spremembo pravne ureditve obravnavanega področja.

Keywords:vojaške osebe, pogodbe o zaposlitvi, atipične pogodbe, javni sektor, vojaška organizacija, druga kariera, delovno razmerje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91029 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.03.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Atypical employment contracts with military personnel
Recruitment of military personnel can be implemented in different ways and with different types of employment contracts. In the Republic of Slovenia (RS) military personnel concluded atypical employment contracts for a fixed period of time or until a certain age limit. The legal status of military personnel as the basic normative Regulation governs the Defence Act, labour law for military personnel and civil public servants governs the Civil Servants Act, the general rule for all categories of employees is the Labour Relations Act, for the scope of the employment of military personnel are also important some provisions of the Law on service in the Slovenian Armed Forces. In this thesis the legal regulation of the employment of military personnel and the actual implementation of these provisions in the Republic of Slovenia is studied. Based on the theory of human capital the efficiency of such an arrangement is estimated. An international comparison of the legal systems of some selected countries has been done. Among the methods the personal views of members of the Slovenian and foreign troops on the subject matter are underlines, which contributes to both the scientific and practical usability of the research. Empirical study fully confirms the hypothesis that the regulation of atypical employment contracts of military personnel is governed by specific regulations, but the actual implementation in practice indicates a lack of organization and partially improper implementation. It has partially confirmed the second hypothesis, namely, that in selected foreign jurisdictions follow the same requirements as in Slovenia, but the solutions chosen, however, differ. On completion of the work there are given suggestions for change in the legal regime of the area.

Keywords:military personnel, employment contracts, atypical contracts, public sector, military organization, second career, the employment relationship

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