
ID ŠTANTA, NIKA (Author), ID Čebulj, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 304F6711C4260D75847A135011EBFB83
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/09e51287-e04a-45b8-8e23-9bb994683d6d

Za varstvo ustavnosti in zakonitosti ter človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin skrbi Ustavno sodišče, ki je najvišji sodni organ. Ustavno sodišče ima v Sloveniji široke pristojnosti, ena izmed temeljnih je prav presoja ustavnosti in zakonitosti zakonov, podzakonskih predpisov in splošnih aktov izdanih za izvrševanje javnih pooblastil. Postopek ustavnosodne presoje predpisov se vedno konča z eno izmed odločitev Ustavnega sodišča oziroma z uporabo ene izmed t. i. tehnik odločanja, ki se razlikujejo glede učinkovanja. Predvsem od pravnih učinkov odločitev Ustavnega sodišča je odvisna učinkovitost ustavnosodne presoje predpisov. Za funkcionalen pravni sistem in pravno varnost je zato bistveno, da so pravni učinki takšnih odločb predvidljivi in v naprej določeni. V magistrskem delu sem se posvetila predvsem pravnim učinkom odločitev Ustavnega sodišča in tehnikam odločanja pri posamezni vrsti pravnega akta tako pri splošnih kot pri posamičnih pravnih aktih. Pravne učinke ustavnosodnih odločitev sem primerjala z ureditvijo pravnih učinkov v Zvezni republiki Nemčiji, ki ima podoben ustavnosodni sistem kot Slovenija. S primerjavo sem želela prikazati podobnosti in razlike med našo in nemško ureditvijo tehnik odločanja in z njimi povezanih pravnih učinkov. Na podlagi ugotovljenih prednosti in slabosti sem skušala dognati nekatere rešitve oziroma primere praks, ki bi bile primerne in uporabne tudi za našo ureditev. Magistrsko delo poskuša sproti opozarjati na pomanjkljivosti normativne ureditve pravnih učinkov in na dileme, ki se lahko pojavijo v praksi, ter prikazuje rešitve za odpravo teh pomanjkljivosti in dilem.

Keywords:Ustavno sodišče, Zakon o ustavnem sodišču, ustavnosodna presoja pravnih aktov, ustavna pritožba, tehnike odločanja, pravni učinki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-89274 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.03.2017
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The Constitutional Court is the highest body of judicial power for the protection of constitutionality, legality, human rights and fundamental freedoms. In Slovenia, it has wide-ranging powers. One of its principal powers concerns reviewing the constitutionality and legality of laws as well as implementing regulations and general acts, issued for the exercise of public powers. The process of the constitutional review shall always be concluded either by one of the decisions of the Constitutional Court, or by using one of the so-called decision-making techniques, which differ with regard to their effects. The effectiveness of the Constitutional review of regulations depends primarily on legal effects of decisions of the Constitutional Court. Predictable and predetermined legal effects of such decisions are thus crucial for a functional legal system and legal certainty. The present Master's Thesis focuses mainly on legal effects of Constitutional Court decisions and decision-making techniques in each type of legal act, both general and individual. The legal effects of constitutional decisions were compared to the regulation of legal effects in the Federal Republic of Germany that has a constitutional system similar to the one in Slovenia. The comparison was intended to show similarities and differences between the Slovene and German regulation of the decision-making techniques and related legal effects. The advantages and disadvantages identified helped demonstrate a number of solutions or examples of practices that would also be suitable and useful for the Slovene regulation. The Master's Thesis raises awareness on the shortcomings of the regulatory framework of legal effects and on dilemmas that may arise in practice, as well as demonstrates solutions for the elimination of the above mentioned shortcomings and dilemmas.

Keywords:Constitutional Court, Constitutional Court Act, constitutional review of legal acts, constitutional complaint, decision-making techniques, legal effects

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