
Vpliv postoperativne abdominalne drenaže na temeljne življenjske aktivnosti : pregled literature
ID Stony, Maša (Author), ID Ravljen, Mirjam (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: AC7A7BC12E1B25A908788EF8E99A7753
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4f147eb7-84df-4b23-9b3a-3ea474fb60ca

Uvod: Uporabo drenov so dokumentirali že od časa Hipokrata. Dren predstavlja pomembno in učinkovito metodo zmanjševanja postoperativnih zapletov in smrtnosti. Pomembna naloga abdominalne drenaže je odstranjevanje krvi in s tem preprečevanje nastanka infekcije, s čimer se omogoči tudi lepše celjenje kirurške rane. Medicinske sestre so v obdobju po operaciji odgovorne za strokovno prevezo kirurške rane in primerno fiksacijo abdominalne drenaže. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na teoretični ravni predstaviti vpliv abdominalne drenaže na temeljne življenjske aktivnosti ter izpostaviti vlogo medicinske sestre. Metode: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom domače in tuje strokovne literature. Starost literature smo omejili na 12 let, od leta 2005 do leta 2017. Literatura je pridobljena iz podatkovnih baz CINAHL with full text, MEDLINE in COBISS.SI. Razprava in sklep: Abdominalna drenaža najbolj vpliva na temeljne življenjske aktivnosti dihanje, prehranjevanje in pitje, izločanje in odvajanje, gibanje in ustrezno lego, spanje in počitek, izogibanje nevarnostim, učenje in pridobivanje znanja, odnose z ljudmi in izražanje čustev ter osebno higieno in urejenost. Pomembno je, da zna medicinska sestra pravilno rokovati z abdominalnim drenom, saj tudi s tem kar najbolj pripomore k učinkovitem okrevanju pacienta in tako tudi hitrejšemu odpustu iz bolnišnice.

Keywords:zdravstvena nega, abdominalni dren, pasivna drenaža, kirurška rana, preveza drena
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-89107 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5227627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.02.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of postoperative abdominal drain on basic life activities : literature review
Introduction: The use of drains has been documented since the times of Hippocrates. Drain represents an important and effective method of reducing postoperative complications and mortality. An important task of abdominal drain is the removal of blood and thus preventing the emergence of infections, thereby also enabling better healing of surgical wounds. In the period after the operation, nurses are responsible for professional drain and surgical wound management and fixation of the drain. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to present the theory of the impact of abdominal drain on the basic life activities and the roles of nurses taking care of patients with inserted abdominal drain. Methods: We used a descriptive method with a review of the domestic and foreign professional literature. We limited the age of the literature to 12 years, from 2005 to 2017. Literature is derived from the databases CINAHL with full text, MEDLINE and COBISS.SI. Discussion and conclusion: The abdominal drain most affects the basic life activities of breathing normally, eating and drinking, eliminating body wastes, moving and maintaining a desirable position, sleep and rest, avoiding dangers in the environment, learning and gaining knowledge, communicating with others in expressing emotions and personal hygiene and neatness. It is important that the nurse knows how to properly handle an abdominal drain and thus contributes to the effective recovery of the patient, and his earlier discharge from hospital.

Keywords:basic life activities wound management, abdominal drain, passive gravity drain, drain management

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