
Ozaveščanje mladostnikov z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju o spolnosti
ID Lečnik, Alja (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4379/ This link opens in a new window

Zadovoljevanje spolnih potreb je pomembno področje življenja vseh, tudi oseb z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju, čeprav je le-to pogosto zapostavljeno in/ali ovirano. Spolno dozorevajo po enakih zakonitostih kot ostali ljudje, posebnosti pa se kažejo na področju psiho-socialnega vidika spolnega razvoja. Zato je pomembno, da so deležni pravočasne in sistematične spolne vzgoje. Namen magistrskega dela je bil oblikovati strukturiran program spolne vzgoje za sodelujoče mladostnike z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju na podlagi njihovega predznanja in preveriti njegovo učinkovitost. Zato je bila izvedena evalvacijska multipla študija primera s poudarkom na ocenjevanju učinkovitosti zastavljenega programa, osnovanega na podatkih, pridobljenih s predtestom, s katerim je bilo preverjeno predznanje sodelujočih o spolnosti. V raziskavi je sodelovalo deset mladostnikov z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju, starih med štirinajst in dvajset let. Njihovo znanje je bilo preverjeno s pomočjo testa znanja o spolnosti, nastalega za namen te raziskave, dvakrat, pred in po vključenosti v program. Čeprav pri obravnavi tako malega vzorca in veliki raznolikosti mladostnikov z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju težko posplošujemo, je na osnovi pozitivne spremembe v ravni znanja o spolnosti udeležencev s pomočjo kvantitativne vsebinske analize možno sklepati na učinkovitost izvajanega programa na ravni znanja s področij anatomsko-fizioloških osnov spolnosti, skrbi za zdravo in varno spolnost ter socialno-emocionalnih vidikov spolnosti vsaj pri izbranem vzorcu.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-89098 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11465289 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Awarness of youth with moderate intellectual disability on sexuality
Satisfaction of sexual needs is an important area in the life of every person, even those with moderate intellectual disability, even though it is frequently neglected and/or obstructed. These people sexually mature according to the same laws as other people. Peculiarities are shown at the area of psychosocial aspect of sexual development. Therefore, it is important that these people have sex education on time and systematically. The purpose of the master's thesis has been to form structural program of sex education for the participants with moderate intellectual disability based on their pre-knowledge and to check its efficiency. Therefore, an evaluation multiple study has been executed with the stress on evaluation of efficiency of the stated program, based on data, gained by the pre-test, which controlled the pre-knowledge of the participants about sexuality. There have been 10 participants/adolescents with moderate intellectual disability, aged 14 to 21, included in the research. Their knowledge has been checked with the test about sexuality, which has been prepared for the purpose of the research twice: before and after the program. With such a small sample and diversity of adolescents with moderate intellectual disability, it is difficult to generate. However, we can conclude (because of the positive change in the level of participants' knowledge about sexuality) that the program about the knowledge from the anatomic-physiologic basics of sexuality, care for healthy and safe sexuality, and social-emotional aspects of sexuality is efficient at least on the chosen sample.


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