
Participacija otrok pri dejavnostih na prostem v vrtcu
ID Jan, Zdenka (Author), ID Batistič Zorec, Marcela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4369/ This link opens in a new window

Današnji življenjski ritem in sodobne tehnologije nas vedno bolj zapirajo v prostore, kjer je gibanje omejeno. Ti vzorci se lahko pojavijo že zelo zgodaj v otroštvu. Zato želim ugotoviti, kako in koliko vzgojitelji omogočajo in spodbujajo dejavnosti na prostem. Otrokom smo dolžni zagotoviti zdrav način življenja, jih naučiti uživati v naravi ter jim omogočiti čim več aktivnosti na prostem. Prepričana sem, da lahko veliko idej uresničimo zunaj, v naravi, ne le v zaprtem prostoru, saj lahko otrok ob pomoči vzgojitelja v naravnem okolju vsako situacijo izkoristi za učenje, vzpostavljanje interakcij z vrstniki ter objekti na prostem. Bivanje na prostem vzgojiteljem nudi ogromno možnosti za učenje otrok, le smiselno ga moramo načrtovati. Raziskava je kvantitativna, vzorec je zajemal 117 strokovnih delavcev, zaposlenih v Vrtcu Velenje. Uporabila sem anketni vprašalnik. Raziskovala sem, kakšna so stališča strokovnih delavcev do bivanja otrok na prostem, koliko časa otroci povprečno na dan preživijo na prostem ter kako pogosto v načrtovanje, izvajanje ter evalvacijo dejavnosti na prostem vključujejo otroke. Zanimalo me je tudi, ali obstajajo razlike v stališčih in upoštevanju participacije otrok pri dejavnostih na prostem med vzgojitelji in pomočniki vzgojitelja ter med strokovnimi delavci prvega in drugega starostnega obdobja. Dobljene rezultate sem interpretirala ter primerjala s preteklimi raziskavami s tega področja. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se strokovni delavci zavedajo pomena bivanja na prostem, vendar ga ne izkoriščajo v tolikšni meri kot bi ga lahko. Strokovni delavci dejavnosti na prostem povezujejo z različnimi področji kurikula, vendar bi se morali v večji meri zavedati pomena vključevanja otrok v načrtovanje, izvajanje in evalvacijo vzgojnega dela, saj to pomembno pripomore k razvoju otroka.

Keywords:predšolska vzgoja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-88993 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11446601 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Children,s participation in outdoor activities in preschool education
Today's rhythm of life and modern technologies are more and more often putting us to the places with limited movement. Those patterns can occur in very early childhood. Therefore, I would like to acknowledge how much teachers facilitate and encourage outdoor activities. We are obliged to ensure the children a healthy lifestyle, to teach them to enjoy nature and give them as many outdoor activities as possible. My belief is that many ideas happen outside, in the nature, not only indoors as a child with the help of an educator in the natural environment can take advantage of any situation for learning, for interaction with peers and outdoor facilities. Staying outdoors provides kindergarten teachers a huge opportunity for teaching children, if it is reasonably planned. The study is quantitative; the sample consisted of 117 employees in kindergarten Velenje. I used a questionnaire. My research based on kindergarten teachers to stay children outdoors, how much time children spend on average per day in the open air and how often in the design, implementation and evaluation of outdoor activities involving children. I wanted to know is whether there are differences in views and children's participation in outdoor activities among educators and assistant educators during the first and second age. The results were interpreted and compared with previous studies in this field. The survey results show that employers in kindergarten are aware of the importance of being outside, but are not utilizing it as much as they could. Kindergarten teachers associate outdoor activities with the different areas of the curriculum, but should be more aware of the importance of including children in the planning, implementation and evaluation educational work, as it contributes significantly to the development of the child.

Keywords:early childhood education

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