
Informiranost žensk o abdominalni dekompresiji ter njihovo zadovoljstvo z njo
ID Senekovič, Anja (Author), ID Mivšek, Ana Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Njenjić, Gordana (Comentor)

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c5006e87-f419-48c0-9f4d-acf0efa62fdb

Uvod: Abdominalna dekompresija je ena izmed tehnik relaksacije, ki se jo uporablja v času nosečnosti za zmanjšanje pritiska v abdomnu, kar povzroči sprostitev abdominalne muskulature. Kot prvi jo je začel razvijati južnoafriški zdravnik Heyns okrog leta 1960. Izvedenih je bilo kar nekaj študij, ki so opisovale, da je abdominalna dekompresija učinkovita pri preeklampsiji ter zastoju rasti ploda. Vplivala naj bi na boljšo oceno po APGAR-jevi lestvici po porodu, povečala pretok krvi v posteljici ter posledično izboljšala oksigenacijo otrokovih možganov, znižala naj bi perinatalno umrljivost, pomagala pa naj bi tudi pri porodu, ki naj bi bil krajši ter manj boleč. Metode dela: V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela, v empiričnem pa kavzalno-neeksperimentalna metoda empiričnega raziskovanja. Ta je temeljila na kvantitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu in je bila zasnovana kot kvantitativna anketna raziskava. Kot raziskovalni instrument je bil uporabljen anonimni spletni anketni vprašalnik. Vzorčenje je bilo namensko. Rezultati: Abdominalno dekompresijo v Sloveniji pogosteje obiskujejo bolj izobražene ženske ter tiste, ki živijo v mestu. Prve informacije o njej dobijo najpogosteje v drugem ter tretjem trimesečju v šoli za starše. Nosečnost skoraj polovice (46 %) anketirank, ki je obiskovala dekompresijo, je bila fiziološka, ostale pa so se spopadale z vsaj eno zdravstveno težavo. Kar 90 % anketirank je dekompresijo začelo obiskovati v tretjem trimesečju, kakor jim je bilo tudi svetovano. Najbolj poznan pozitiven učinek dekompresije s strani anketirank je vpliv na zmanjšanje oteklin. Dobra polovica, kar 61 %, anketirank je izrazila strinjanje s trditvijo, da je dekompresija v celoti izpolnila njihova pričakovanja. Razprava in sklep: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so ženske, ki so obiskovale abdominalno dekompresijo med nosečnostjo, dobro informirane o njej ter zadovoljne z njenimi učinki. V nadaljnjem raziskovanju bi bilo smiselno preveriti tudi obporodne izide žensk, ki so obiskovale dekompresijo, ter jih primerjati s tistimi, ki je niso, in na ta način potrditi morebitne učinke dekompresije na porod (trajanje in uporaba protibolečinskih sredstev) ter otroka (ocena po APGAR-jevi). Glede na dokazane ter morebitne pozitivne učinke in odsotnost stranskih učinkov bi bilo smiselno, da bi jo ženskam s težavami pogosteje priporočali tudi zdravstveni strokovnjaki.

Keywords:abdominalna dekompresija, nosečnost, porod, stališča žensk
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-88990 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5216875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.02.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Women's knowledge and awareness of abdominal decompression and their experience with it
Introduction: Abdominal decompression is one of the relaxation techniques used during pregnancy to decrease abdominal pressure and consequently relax the abdominal muscles. It was pioneered in the 1960’s by South African medical doctor Heyns. A number of studies were performed that proved abdominal decompression effective for preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction. It is assumed that abdominal decompression contributes to a higher APGAR score at birth, to an increased placental blood flow and therefore to better oxygenation of the foetal brain and that it decreases perinatal mortality and helps shorten the labour and make it less painful. Methods: A descriptive research method was used in the theoretical part of the thesis and a causal non-experimental method of empirical research was used in the empirical part of the thesis. The latter was based on a quantitative research approach and designed as a quantitative survey. The chosen research technique was an anonymous online survey questionnaire. Sampling was purposeful. Results: In Slovenia, abdominal decompression is more commonly attended by higher-educated women and by those who live in a city. Most often, women get acquainted with it in the second or the third trimester of pregnancy in parenting classes. The pregnancies of almost half (46 %) of the respondents who attended decompression were physiological, whereas the others dealt with at least one health problem. As much as 90 % of the respondents started with decompression in the third trimester, like they had been advised. The most widely acknowledged positive effect of decompression by the respondents was reduced oedema. More than a half or as much as 61 % of the respondents agreed with the claim that decompression fully met their expectations. Discussion and conclusion: The results of the survey have shown that the women who attended abdominal decompression during pregnancy were well-informed about it and satisfied with the effects. In further research, it would be reasonable to check the peripartum outcomes of the women who attended decompression, compare them with those who did not and thus confirm possible effects of decompression on the delivery (length and use of pain relief) and on the newborn (APGAR score). Considering the proven and possible positive effects and the absence of negative side effects it would be sensible that also health-care experts more often recommended abdominal decompression to women with pregnancy-related problems.

Keywords:abdominal decompression, pregnancy, delivery, women's views

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