
Legitimnost poseganja mednarodne skupnosti v suverenost države glede odgovornosti ukrepanja v primeru naravnih nesreč
ID Vrhunc, Aleksandra (Author), ID Sancin, Vasilka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za ukrepanje pri spopadanju s posledicami naravne nesreče je primarno odgovorna prizadeta država sama. Če država iz kakršnih koli razlogov temu ni kos, obstaja možnost, da bodo ljudje, prizadeti v nesreči, trpeli zaradi pomanjkanja pomoči, kar lahko pripelje tudi do kršenja temeljnih človekovih pravic. To pa je seveda nekaj, proti čemur se mednarodna skupnost bori. Mednarodna skupnost mora odgovoriti na nesrečo, saj naša skupna ranljivost uvaja moralno dolžnost, da pomagamo ljudem. Suverenost države lahko predstavlja oviro pri dostavljanju mednarodne humanitarne pomoči, saj na primer Ustanovna listina Organizacije združenih narodov varuje države pred zunanjim poseganjem. Mednarodna skupnost tako težko pomaga in varuje posameznike znotraj ozemlja prizadete države, ki odreka humanitarno pomoč. Trenutno pomanjkanje celovitega in trdnega okvira za obravnavanje ukrepanja pri naravnih nesrečah, ki bi narekoval odgovornost vseh držav, samo še povečuje tveganje za hude kršitve človekovih pravic. Razvoj pravnega okvira bi bil še kako potreben in ravno to je v tem času tudi zadolžitev Komisije Združenih narodov za mednarodno pravo, ki pripravlja osnutek členov na temo »varstva oseb v primeru katastrof«. Ta naloga se ukvarja z vprašanjem ali je mednarodna skupnost napredovala do te točke, da bo dopustila, da se državna suverenost umakne človeškemu trpljenju?

Keywords:naravne nesreče, varstvo oseb, Komisija za mednarodno pravo, odgovornost zaščititi, ciklon Nargis, Mjanmar, humanitarna pomoč, Mednarodna komisija za vprašanje intervencije in državne suverenosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-88518 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15397969 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.01.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Legitimacy of international community's interference with state's sovereignty regarding the obligation to take measures in cases of natural disasters
Primary responsibility for disaster relief rests with the government of the affected state. If the affected state is not able to cope with the mentioned responsibility, there exists a chance that people, who had been affected by a natural disaster, would suffer due to lack of assistance, which could lead to violation of fundamental human rights. This is certainly something the international community is fighting against. The international community must respond to a disaster because our collective moral duty dictates that we help the people in need. State sovereignty poses a barrier to the delivering of international humanitarian aid. The Charter of the United Nations protects states from outside interference. The international community finds it difficult to aid and protect people inside the territory of the affected state, which denies humanitarian relief. The current lack of an extensive and solid framework for disaster response, which would dictate the responsibility of all states, only increases the risk for human rights violations. The development of a legal framework is of vital importance and exactly this is momentary the assignment of the International Law Commission, which is drafting the articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters. This assignment deals with the question whether international community progressed to the point where it would allow the state sovereignty to yield to human suffering?

Keywords:natural disasters, protection of persons, International Law Commission, responsibility to protect, cyclone Nargis, Myanmar, humanitarian aid, International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty

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