
Uporaba in funkcija serijskih ortoz za gleženj pri športnih aktivnostih
ID Erjavec, Klemen (Author), ID Brezovar, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Poškodba gležnja je najpogostejša poškodba pri športu. Predstavlja 20% vseh športnih poškodb. Zato je ključnega pomena dobra preventivna strategija, ki lahko pogostost tovrstnih poškodb omeji ter hkrati zagotovi ekonomično optimalno rešitev. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstavitev funkcije in učinkov ortoz, ki se uporabljajo pri aktivnosti. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela, s sistematično analizo literature. Literatura ni starejša od 10 let. Pri iskanju le-te so se uporabljale baze podatkov Cobiss, Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct in DiKUL, iskanje je potekalo v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Rezultati: Podrobno je bilo pregledanih osem strokovnih člankov, usmerjenih izključno k uporabi serijskih ortoz za gleženj pri aktivnostih. Preiskovanci v raziskavah so bili rekreativni ali profesionalni športniki, pri katerih so rezultate v večini merili v povprečju enega leta oziroma sezone. V vsaki od raziskav je bila uporabljena metoda primerjave kontrolne skupine, ki pri določeni aktivnosti ni uporabljala ortoze, ter skupine, ki je ortozo uporabljala. Pri vseh raziskavah je bila torej uporabljena primerjava dejavnikov na končni izid. Razprava in sklep: Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo serijske ortoze za gleženj ter podobne opore pozitiven učinek na izid in dokazano zmanjšujejo incidenco poškodovanega gležnja. Pri oblikovanju preventivne strategije bi bilo potrebnega več znanja, ozaveščenosti uporabnikov in strokovnjakov, saj se še vedno uporabljajo v premajhni meri.

Keywords:ortoze za gleženj, športne poškodbe, anatomija gležnja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-88485 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5195371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.01.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Use and function of serial ankle orthosis in sport activities
Introduction: ankle injury is one of the most common injuries in sports, accounting for 20% of all sport injuries .Therefore it is very important to have a good preventive strategy, which can limit the frequency of such injuries and at the same time ensure an optimal economical solution. Purpose: the purpose of this thesis is to present function and effects of serial ankle orthoses used at activities. Methods: descreptive method of work with systematic analysis of literature was used. The literature is not older than 10 years. In search of the latter Cobiss, Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct and DiKUL were used. Search of results were both in slovenian and english language. Results: we have examined eight professional articles with a direct connection to the topic, directed exclusively to the practical application of serial ankle orthoses at activities. Subjects in researches were mostly amateur or professional athletes, whose results were measured in an average span of one year, or season. In each research, a control group method was used, where the control group did not use orthoses, where the comparison group used them. Therefore they used comparison factors in the final outcome for all the studies. Discussion and conclusion: the results showed that serial ankle orthoses and similar supports have a positive effect on the outcome and have proved to reduce the incidence of the damaged ankle. While designing preventive strategies we still need more knowledge and the awareness of users and experts, which is still used insufficiently.

Keywords:ankle orthosis, sport orthosis, ankle anatomy

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