
Samopodoba specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov v primerjavi z učitelji razrednega pouka : magistrsko delo
ID Dovečar, Anja (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4309/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu ugotavljam, kakšno samopodobo imajo specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi ter kakšno učitelji razrednega pouka. S pomočjo primerjave sem poskušala ugotoviti, na katerih področjih imajo boljšo in na katerih področjih slabšo samopodobo. V teoretičnem uvodu predstavljam definicije in opredelitve pojma samopodoba, komponente in področja samopodobe, samopodobo pedagoškega delavca, dejavnike, ki vplivajo na samopodobo pedagoških delavcev, vpliv samopodobe na poučevanje in na samopodobo učencev, načine spodbujanja dobre samopodobe pri pedagoških delavcih in učencih. Na kratko pa predstavljam tudi delo učiteljev razrednega pouka in specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov. Samopodobo in področja samopodobe sem raziskovala z Lestvico učiteljeve samopodobe (TECON) in Vprašalnikom za ugotavljanje samopodobe učiteljev in vzgojiteljev. Vzorec je sestavljen iz 85 oseb, od tega je 60 specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov in 25 učiteljev razrednega pouka. Rezultati so pokazali, da je samopodoba specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov in učiteljev razrednega pouka na splošno dobra, med obema skupinama ni statistično pomembnih razlik. Specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi imajo na vseh področjih, razen na področju fizične varnosti, dobro samopodobo. Učitelji razrednega pouka pa imajo dobro samopodobo na vseh področjih. Statistično pomembna povezava se je pokazala pri odnosu samopodobe in delovne dobe, izkazalo se je, da se samopodoba z delovno dobo izboljšuje. Na področju identitete pa je hi kvadrat test prav tako pokazal statistično pomembne razlike med obema preučevanima skupinama, saj ima bistveno več specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov slabo samopodobo kot pa učiteljev razrednega pouka. Ugotovila sem, da je samopodoba učiteljev razrednega pouka in specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov dobra, da je potrebno paziti na področje fizične varnosti obeh skupin ter pomagati učiteljem začetnikom razvijati dobro samopodobo in jim nuditi več opore in mentorstva pri delu, prav tako pa opozarjati in izobraževati učitelje o pomenu zdrave samopodobe za poučevanje in kvaliteto življenja.

Keywords:specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi, učitelji razrednega pouka, primerjava
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[A. Dovečar]
Number of pages:VI, 63 str., [4] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-88371 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11400009 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Self-image of special education teachers in comparison to primary school teachers
In my master thesis, I note self-image of special education teachers and primary school teachers, I compare them and determine in which areas their self-image is good and in which poor. In the theoretical introduction, there are the definitions of self-image, components and areas of self-image, the self-image of teachers, factors that affect the self-image of teachers, the impact of self-image on teaching and on the self-image of students, ways of promoting positive self-image in teachers and students. In short, I also present the work of primary school teachers and special education teachers. I explored the self-image and areas of self-image with Teacher confidence scale (TECON) and Questionnaire to Determine the Self-Image of Teachers. The sample is composed of 85 people, of whom 60 are special education teachers and 25 primary school teachers. The results show that the self-image of special education teachers and primary school teachers is generally good, between the groups there were no statistically significant differences. The special education teachers have good self-image in all areas, except in the area of physical security. On the other hand, primary school teachers have good self-esteem in all dimensions of self-image. A statistically significant relationship was found in the relationship of self-image and years of service; it turned out that the self-image in relation to the years of work improves. In the field of identity, the chi-square test showed a statistically significant difference between the two studied groups, since significantly more special education teachers show poor self-esteem in comparison to primary school teachers. To sum up, my main findings are that special education teachers and primary school teachers have good self-image, but we have to pay attention in the field of physical security of both groups and help young teachers to develop good self-image and provide them with more support and mentoring. We also have to educate teachers about the importance of healthy self-image and its impact on teaching and the quality of life.

Keywords:self-concept, special school teacher, samopodoba, specialni pedagog

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