
Težave pri pisanju in razvojna disgrafija v osnovni šoli: razlike med dečki in deklicami
ID Ivačič, Andrea (Author), ID Magajna, Lidija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Košak Babuder, Milena (Comentor)

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Težave pri pisanju so pogost pojav, ki pomembno vpliva na splošno učno uspešnost in nadaljnje šolanje otrok. V šolskem obdobju (od 4. do 6. razreda) so le-te dva- do trikrat pogostejše kot težave pri branju. Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati pojavnost in naravo težav pri pisanju ter pojavnost težjih oblik specifičnih težav pri pisanju oz. razvojne disgrafije pri šolskih otrocih glede na starost, spol in vrsto zapisa (narek, samostojen zapis, prepis). Obstoječe raziskave kažejo, da se približno 10 % osnovnošolskih otrok srečuje z izrazitimi težavami pri pisanju. Rezultati študij kažejo tudi, da so težave pri pisanju in razvojna disgrafija veliko bolj pogoste pri dečkih kot pri deklicah. V Sloveniji na področju pojavnosti disgrafije in razlik med spoloma pri pisanju ni bilo narejenih veliko raziskav. V tujini jih je bilo narejenih nekoliko več, kljub temu pa to področje tudi v mednarodnem okvirju ni dovolj raziskano. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 45 učencev četrtega razreda (24 dečkov in 21 deklic) in 52 učencev osmega razreda (22 dečkov in 30 deklic) osnovne šole. Pisni izdelki za analizo (narek, samostojen zapis in prepis) so bili pridobljeni na koncu šolskega leta. Za prepoznavanje težav pri pisanju in razvojne disgrafije je bila uporabljena Lestvica za oceno disgrafičnosti rokopisa. Dobljeni rezultati so bili statistično obdelani (opisna statistika, mere korelacije, analiza variance itd.). Rezultati raziskave potrjujejo dosedanja spoznanja o pojavnosti težav pri pisanju in razvojne disgrafije pri osnovnošolcih. Pri dečkih je bil tako prepoznan višji odstotek pojavnosti težav pri pisanju in razvojne disgrafije pri vseh treh vzorcih rokopisa. Glede na razred je bil v 4. in 8. razredu odstotek pojavnosti disgrafije pri samostojnem zapisu podoben, pri prepisu v 8. razredu pa je bil le-ta že bistveno manjši, kar nakazuje, da se število otrok s prepoznanim disgrafičnim rokopisom s starostjo zmanjšuje. Ugotovitve analize razlik med spoloma glede na starost in vrsto zapisa bodo omogočile boljši vpogled v naravo individualnih razlik in težav pri pisanju ter tvorile osnovo za ciljno usmerjene intervencije.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-88352 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11393865 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Writting difficulties and developmental dysgraphia in primary school: differnces between boys and girls
Writing problems are a common phenomenon, which has a significant impact on the overall academic achievement and further education of children. In the school period (4th-6th grade) writing difficulties are two to three times more frequent than reading difficulties. The purpose of the master thesis is to investigate the incidence and the nature of writing problems and the prevalence of severe forms of specific problems in writing or developmental dysgraphia with school children according to age, gender and the type of record (dictation, text composition, copying). The existing research show that approximately 10 % of primary school children encounter profound difficulties in writing. Studies show as well that difficulties in writing and developmental dysgraphia are much more common among boys than among girls. Little research has been done about the incidence of dysgraphia and gender differences in writing in Slovenia. More studies have been conducted abroad, however, this area also in the international framework has not been sufficiently studied. The study included 45 fourth-grade primary school students (24 boys and 21 girls) and 52 eighth-grade primary school students (22 boys and 30 girls). Written samples for analysis (dictation, text composition and copying) were obtained at the end of the school year. In order to identify difficulties in writing and developmental dysgraphia the Assessment Scale for Handwriting Dysgraphia was used. The obtained results were statistically processed (descriptive statistics, measures of correlation, analysis of variance, etc.). The survey results confirm the previous findings on the incidence of problems in writing and developmental dysgraphia with primary school pupils. A higher percentage of incidence of difficulties in writing and developmental dysgraphia was recognized among boys in all three samples of handwriting. The percentage of dysgraphia in the text composition was similar in the 4th and 8th grade while in the copying condition the percentage of dysgraphia was significantly lower in 8th grade, which suggests that the number of children with the identified dysgraphia handwriting decreases with age. An analysis of gender differences according to age and type of writing will offer a greater insight in the nature of the individual differences and the writing difficulties, and will create the basis for better target-oriented interventions.


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