
E-izobraževanje in kompetence v gospodarski družbi X
ID Potočnik, Gorazd (Author), ID Rugelj, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4283/ This link opens in a new window

Nedvomno je zavedanje podjetij o pomembnosti razvoja lastnih zaposlenih vedno večje. Težko najdemo podjetje, ki v ta proces ne vlaga veliko truda in finančnih sredstev, z namenom izboljšati oziroma optimizirati svoje poslovanje. Pri tem se je potrebno zavedati specifičnost družbene skupine zaposlenih odraslih, saj le tako odgovorni lahko razvijejo kvaliteten proces razvoja lastnega kadra. S specifičnostjo družbene skupine mislim predvsem na zavedanje starostnega razpona zaposlenih in s tem povezanih razlik v predznanju, dojemanju, motiviranosti, ponotranjenih vzorcev izobraževanja in sposobnosti prilagajanja spremembam. S tem namenom sem v prvem delu diplomskega dela opredelil teoretični vidik izobraževanja odraslih in pomen ter razvoj kompetenc. Ker je tema zelo široka, sem se omejil na neformalno izobraževanje s pomočjo sodobne informacijske tehnologije, tako imenovano e-izobraževanje. V drugem delu sem predstavil razvoj procesa e-izobraževanja v gospodarski družbi X, ki predstavlja eno od ključnih usmeritev podjetja. Opisal sem poslovno potrebo e-izobraževanja, ki nam da vpogled v proces nastanka, od vzrokov, ciljev, pričakovanih koristi do izvedbenega načrta. V tem delu sem opisal tudi pripravo e-gradiv. Moje mnenje je, da je na razvoj zaposlenih potrebno gledati kot na celoto, zato sem vključil opis razvoja metode kompetenc v tem podjetju. V zadnjem delu sem postavil štiri hipoteze v povezavi z uporabo e-izobraževanja in modela kompetenc gospodarske družbe X, ki sem jih preveril s pomočjo spletne ankete. Zbrane podatke sem analiziral in rezultate predstavil opisno in grafično.

Keywords:izobraževanje odraslih
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87689 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11379785 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:E-learning and competences in company X
Awareness of the companies of the importance of human resources has been increasing. It is difficult to find a company that does not put effort and financial resources in the process of human resources development in order to improve and optimize their business activity. In doing so, it is necessary to recognize the specific social group of the employed adults. Only in such a way the responsible persons can develop a quality process for the development of their own employees. In this context the term “specific social groups” refers to the age range of employees and to the associated differences prior to knowledge, perception, motivation, internalized patterns gained with education and ability to adapt to changes. With this objective, the first part of the diploma describes and defines the theoretical aspects of adult education and the importance and development of competences. Since the topic is quite broad, the content is limited to the non-formal education by using modern information technology, the so called “e-learning”. In the second part of the diploma the development process of e-learning in the company X, representing one of the key directions of the company, has been introduced. I outlined the business need for e-learning development which gives us an insight in the developing process, such as reasons, goals and benefits of the implementation plan. The preparation of the “e-learning” materials and documents is also described. In my opinion, human resources development should be viewed as a whole, therefore the description of competences development in the company is also included in this part. The last part involves the hypotheses related to use of e-learning and to the model of competences that are verified with an online survey. The data collected are analysed, described and graphically presented.

Keywords:adult education

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