
Življenje in delo v vrtcu Danijelov Levček
ID Bračič, Larisa (Author), ID Devjak, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Berčnik, Sanja (Comentor)

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V svoji diplomski nalogi sem se posvetila raziskavi uporabnosti preventivnega sistema Don Bosca v Vrtcu Danijelov Levček. V teoretičnem delu sem opisala represivni in preventivni koncept vzgoje. Kot primer represivnega sistema sem opisala krščanski koncept vzgoje, ki je v svoji osnovi tog in ne dopušča dvomov v vzgoji. Utemeljitelj preventivnega sistema je Don Bosco, ki je s svojim načinom delovanja postavil nov način vzgoje. Ta se je uveljavil kot koncept vzgoje otrok tudi pri delu s predšolskimi otroki. V empiričnem delu sem zastavila raziskovalna vprašanja in izvedla polstrukturiran intervju v Vrtcu Danijelov Levček. Intervju sem opravila z ravnateljico vrtca in strokovno delavko. Z vprašanji sem raziskala, katere elemente preventivnega sistema uporabljajo pri vzgoji predšolskih otrok in uporabnost le teh v današnjem času. Iz odgovorov je razvidno, da vrtec sicer deluje po kurikulumu za vrtce, v njihovem praktičnem delu pa je opazen tudi preventivni sistem Don Bosca. Ta se kaže v uporabi sistema asistence, bogatem neformalnem druženju, konceptu dvorišča, kot ga poimenuje Don Bosco, družinskem vzdušju in zaupanju in pa drži vzgojitelja kot takega. Ugotovila sem, da uporaba teh elementov pripomore h kvaliteti odnosa med otrokom in vzgojiteljem in ga postavi na nivo zaupanja, kar ustvarja domače vzdušje v instituciji.

Keywords:Katoliški sistem vzgoje
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87475 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11367497 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The life and work in pre-school institution Danijelov Levček
In my thesis I have presented the usability of the Don Bosco educational system applied in the pre-school institution Danijelov Levček. In the theoretical part I described the repressive and the preventive approaches to pre-school education. As an example of a repressive educational system I have shown the catholic concept of pre-school education which is rigid and does not allow any doubt in its application. The founder of the preventive system is Don Bosco with his new approach to educating children. His preventive approach is now considered as an educational system in pre-school education. I started the empirical part of my thesis with interviewing two employees of the pre-school institution Danielov Levček about educational system. To be more exact, I interviewed the headmistress and a teacher of the institution. The topic of the interview were the elements of the preventive system and their use in their institution nowadays. Their answers show that although the institution's work is based on the curriculum guidance, their practical work indicates the existence of Don Bosco's preventive system. The system can be observed in the use of the assistance concept, informal gatherings, family atmosphere and trust, and teacher’s approach towards kids as such. I can conclude that the use of those elements improves the quality of child – teacher relationship and the trust between them.

Keywords:Catholic educational system. Don Bosco's educational system

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