
Vizualizacija prehranske piramide in prehranskega krožnika
ID Trobec, Tina (Author), ID Koch, Verena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4235/ This link opens in a new window

Nezdravo prehranjevanje v kombinaciji s telesno nedejavnostjo močno poveča dejavnike tveganja za pojav kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni (bolezni srca in ožilja, rak, povišan krvni tlak). Z zdravo in uravnoteženo prehrano lahko sami pripomoremo k zmanjšanju dejavnikov tveganja pojavnosti omenjenih bolezni (Ministrstvo za zdravje, 2015). Prvi korak, ki ga lahko storimo k zdravem načinu prehranjevanja in izbiri hrane je, da oblikujemo smernice zdravega prehranjevanja, ki bodo tako otrokom kot tudi odraslim razumljive in enostavne. Številne svetovne organizacije v ta namen posodabljajo in pripravljajo vrsto vizualnih shem. Med njimi sta tudi v osnovni šoli najbolj množično uporabljeni prehranska piramida in prehranski krožnik. Namen diplomskega dela je primerjanje razumevanja ter uporabnosti prehranske piramide in prehranskega krožnika med osnovnošolci, ter ugotoviti, kateri didaktični pripomoček (prehranska piramida oziroma krožnik) je za razumevanje učencem bolj primeren in uporaben tako v osnovni šoli kot tudi doma. V raziskavo sta bili vključeni dve osnovni šoli, in sicer OŠ Polhov Gradec in OŠ Franceta Bevka. Sodelovalo je 6 učencev iz vsakega šestega razreda, podatki pa so bili obdelani glede na posamezno šolo. Izvedla sem voden skupinski intervju, tako imenovane fokusne skupine v posameznem šestem razredu. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je večini učencem bolj razumljiva prehranska piramida, za katero menijo, da je bolj natančna. Prehranski krožnik so učenci označili kot pomanjkljivo in težje razumljivo vizualizacijo smernic zdravega prehranjevanja. Rezultati so povezani z boljšim poznavanjem prehranske piramide, ki jo pri pouku pogosteje uporabljajo kot prehranski krožnik. Učenci so bili mnenja, da je prehranski krožnik bolj primeren za mlajše učence, ki še ne znajo brati.

Keywords:zdravo prehranjevanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87461 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11362889 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Visualization of the food pyramid and food plate
An unhealthy diet, combined with physical inactivity, greatly increases risk factors for the incidence of chronic noncommunicable diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, high blood pressure). With a healthy and balanced diet, we can contribute to reducing the risk factors for the incidence of the aforementioned diseases (Ministry of Health, 2015). The first step we can take towards a healthy way of eating and choosing food is to shape healthy eating guidelines, which would be understandable and simple for children and adults alike. Many world organisations are updating and preparing a number of diagrams for this purpose. Among them are the food pyramid and food plate, which are being used in primary schools on a massive scale. The purpose of the diploma thesis is to compare how primary school students understand and use the food pyramid and food plate, and to determine which didactic aid (food pyramid or plate) is more easily understandable to students and more fit for use in primary school and at home. The survey encompassed two primary schools, namely Polhov Gradec Primary School and France Bevk Primary School. 6 students from each of the sixth grades participated in the survey and the data was processed for the individual school. A guided group interview, the so-called focus groups, was conducted in individual sixth grades. The results of the survey show that the majority of students find the food pyramid to be more understandable, because it is more precise. The students labelled the food plate as an incomplete and harder to understand visualisation of healthy eating guidelines. The results are connected with the fact that students are more familiar with the food pyramid, as it is used more often during lessons than the food plate. The students felt that the food plate was more appropriate for younger students who cannot read.

Keywords:health eating

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