
Izdelava aplikacije za preverjanje znanja in organizacijo praktičnega pedagoškega usposbaljanja
ID Simon, Jure (Author), ID Rugelj, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4216/ This link opens in a new window

V diplomskem delu je predstavljen potek razvoja spletne aplikacije, ki bo namenjena preverjanju znanja in organizaciji pedagoškega usposabljanja. V prvem delu je predstavljen postopek načrtovanja aplikacije z opisom življenjskega cikla razvoja sistema in njegovimi razvojnimi fazami ter opisom posameznih najpogostejših razvojnih metodologij. Predstavljena je tudi izbrana metoda razvoja z obrazložitvijo. V osrednjem delu je predstavljena zasnova aplikacije s popisom uporabničkih skupin aplikacije in vseh želenih funkcionalnosti. Vsaka funkcionalnost je nato če dodatno opredeljena. V zadnjem delu je predstavljen potek razvoja in izdelave spletne aplikacije. Tu so opisana vsa orodja, ki sem jih uporabil pri razvoju, predstavljeni so podatkovni model aplikacije z opisom vseh entitet, datote£na struktura aplikacije ter popis vseh zaslonskih slik. Vsaka zaslonska slika poleg grafičnega prinaša še opise vseh funkcionalnosti, ki jih omogoča, navigacijo med zasloni ter opise funkcij, metod in datotek, ki spadajo zraven. V zaključku so predstavljeni vzdrževanje aplikacije, hramba razvojne kode za poznejšo uporabo in nadgrajevanje in evalvacija spletne aplikacije. Tu so opisana tudi orodja, ki zagotavljajo organizacijo in zgodovino razvojne kode. V evalvaciji so predstavljena mnenja o spletni aplikaciji in možne razčiritve in dopolnitve.

Keywords:življenjski cikel razvoja sistema
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87205 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11356489 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Creating an application for examination and organization of practical pedagogical training
This diploma thesis describes a course of development of web application, which will be used for examination and organization of practical pedagogical training. In the first part of the thesis, the planning process is presented and the system development lifecycle and its development phases are described. Thesis also describes the most common development methodologies and presents the selected method of development and its justification. The central part of the thesis presents the design of applications with the list of application user groups and the list of all the desired functionalities. Each functionality is then further defined. The last part of the thesis, the course of the development of web application is presented. All the tools that have been used in the development are described, the data model with the description of its entities, the file structure of the application and the list of all application screens are presented. In addition to the graphic representation each screen contains the description of all functionalies, navigation between screens and descriptions of the functions, methods, and files that are connected with them. The conclusion of thesis presents the maintenance aspects of the development, preservation of code for later use and upgrading and evaluation of our web application. Here are descriptions of tools that provide the organization and history of the developed code. In the evaluation user opinions and possible extensions and modifications of our web application are presented.

Keywords:system development life cycle

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