
Povezanost med količino in intenzivnostjo gibalne/športne aktivnosti ter gibalnimi sposobnostmi otrok, starih od 6 do 9 let
ID Kupec, Lucija (Author), ID Štemberger, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šimunič, Boštjan (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4209/ This link opens in a new window

Gibalna/športna aktivnost ima pomembno vlogo v razvoju otroka, za ustrezen učinek na razvoj in zdravje pa mora biti »dozirana« v ustrezni količini in intenzivnosti. Naloga vseh, ki se ukvarjamo z otroki, je, da se zavedamo pomena gibalne/športne aktivnosti na celostni razvoj otrok, zdravje otrok in kasneje odraslih ter da se zavedamo problematike gibalne/športne neaktivnosti. Zaradi razvoja moderne tehnologije postaja družba sedeča in vse manj aktivna. Otroke moramo spodbujati h gibalnim/športnim aktivnostim, te pa naj bodo ustrezno prilagojene, dovolj dolge, ne prekratke, dovolj intenzivne in dostopne. Otroci posledično razvijajo gibalne sposobnosti, se celostno razvijajo, krepijo zdravje, telo in samopodobo. Obstaja velika verjetnost, da bo aktiven otrok tudi aktiven odrasel. Z magistrskim delom smo želeli analizirati količino in intenzivnost gibalne/športne aktivnosti, gibalne sposobnosti otrok, starih od 6 do 9 let, jih primerjati glede na spol in starost. Gibalne sposobnosti smo preverjali s testi: skok v daljino z mesta, test sestavljanja votlih kock, hoja skozi obroč nazaj, test flamingo, plosk spredaj-zadaj in tek na 300 m. V raziskavo smo vključili 951 otrok, pri katerih smo testirali gibalne sposobnosti. Na podvzorcu 56 merjencev smo z merilniki pospeška 5 dni merili količino in intenzivnost gibalne/športne aktivnosti. Za sodobnejši pristop merjenja količine in intenzivnosti gibalne/športne aktivnosti z merilnikom pospeška smo se odločili, ker nam na ta način dobljeni podatki dajejo natančnejši uvid v stanje, kje se nahajamo, kot samoocenjavalne metode, ki so se jih posluževali v preteklosti. Podatke smo preverjali z zastavljenimi hipotezami, ki smo jih preverjali s t-testom in Pearsonovim korelacijskim koeficientom. Ugotovili smo, da količina gibalne/športne aktivnosti ne narašča s starostjo otrok. Za visoko intenzivnost gibalne/športne aktivnosti obstajajo razlike med spoloma, pri ostalih kategorijah intenzivnosti gibalne/športne aktivnosti pa razlik med spoloma ni. Dečki dosegajo boljše rezultate pri testih gibalnih sposobnosti kot deklice (z izjemo testa sestavljanja kock) in niso dlje časa srednje/visoko intenzivno gibalno/športno aktivni v vseh starostnih kategorijah merjencev. Intenzivnost gibalne/športne aktivnosti ne upada s starostjo otrok. Ugotovimo, da ni statistično pomembnih razlik v povezavi med neaktivni merjenci in nižjimi gibalnimi sposobnostmi ter v povezavi med srednje/visoko intenzivno gibalno/športno aktivnimi merjenci in višjimi gibalnimi sposobnostmi.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87198 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11354697 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Relationship between quality and intensity of physical/sport activity and motoric abilities of 6 to 9 years old children
Physical activity plays an important role in the development of a child. In order to have the intended effect on the child, it has to be properly structured. The duty of educators is to be aware of the significance of physical activity on the child’s overall development process and health, as well as to raise awareness of the more and more common problem amongst children – physical inactivity. Due to development of technology, the public has become more static and therefore increasingly inactive, which is why it is everyone’s task to motivate children to engage in physical activities, which are suited to their abilities, correctly structured and easily accessible to the child. The effects of living an active childhood develop physical abilities as well as overall development, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and establishing a positive self-image. There is a high probability that a physically active adolescent will make the transition into a physically active adult. The aim of this master’s degree is to analyze physical abilities of children between the ages of 6 to 9 and compare them by gender, quantity and intensity of physical activity. In order to collect the data, we monitored children’s results in various activities, such as standing broad jump, cube insertion, backward polygon, Flamingo test, hand clapping and 300 meters run. A Research has been carried out on 951 children, who have had their physical abilities analyzed. On the subsample of 56 participants we have also measured the quantity and intensity of physical activity with the help of an accelerometer. We decided to go with the advanced approach, using an accelerometer, in order to get a more accurate perspective on the topic than if we were to use the obsolete, self-assessing methods, used in the past. We have checked the data using set hypotheses, which were processed with OriginPro8 and Microsoft Excel 2010 and verified using a t-test and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. We have determined that the quantity of physical activity does not ascend as children become older. Apart from the high intensity physical activities, there have been no instances of distinctions in results between genders. Boys tend to rank higher on the physical fitness tests, with the exception of cube insertion test. The results have also shown that boys in all age groups do not pursue medium to high intensity physical activities for longer periods of time. The intensity of physical activity does not decline with the increase in children’s age. We have established a conclusion that there are no statistically significant differences when comparing inactive participants and participants with low physical fitness level as well as in conjunction with participants with medium or high intensive physical fitness level.


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