
Poznavanje okoljskih vsebin pri učencih sedmega razreda osnovne šole
ID Skubic, Zala (Author), ID Devetak, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hrast, Špela (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4207/ This link opens in a new window

Posegi človeka v naravo velikokrat zmanjšujejo kakovost okolja, kar posredno ali neposredno vpliva tudi na kvaliteto življenja ljudi. Pred približno 50 leti je bil oblikovan pojem okoljske pismenosti in kasneje okoljskega izobraževanja, katerega glavni cilj je razvoj ljudi s primernim okoljskim znanjem, stališči in vedenjem. Znanje o tem, kakšen vpliv ima človek na okolje in kakšne spremembe se med tem zgodijo v naravi, tako predstavlja pomemben del okoljske pismenosti posameznika in močno povezuje interdisciplinarno okoljsko izobraževanje z naravoslovnim izobraževanjem. V diplomskem delu je poudarek na poznavanju okoljskih vsebin sedmošolcev, in sicer v prvem delu je predstavljena analiza učnih načrtov predmetov, ki se navezujejo na okoljsko vsebino in predstavljajo predznanje za vsebinski sklop Vplivi človeka na okolje predmeta naravoslovje v 7. razredu. Na podlagi učnih ciljev omenjenega vsebinskega sklopa je bil v drugem delu razvit in analiziran preizkus znanja za učence 7. razreda. Pri tem so sedmošolci izkazali povprečno znanje glede okoljskih vsebin. Najboljše so reševali naloge, ki so zahtevale zgolj poznavanje vsebine, najmanj točk so v povprečju dosegli pri nalogah analize, sinteze in vrednotenja. Pri tem so učenci v povprečju bolj reševali naloge, ki so preverjale cilje sklopa z naslovom Človek onesnažuje zrak, vodo in tla kot cilje sklopa Človek spreminja ekosisteme. Z analizo nalog in določitvijo merskih karakteristik preizkusa znanja smo preveriti tudi kvaliteto uporabljenega preizkusa znanja in ga preoblikovali tako, da imajo naloge ustrezno težavnost in ustrezen indeks diskriminativnosti.

Keywords:okoljska pismenost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87196 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11354185 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Seventh grade primary school students' knowledge about environmental topics
Human interventions in nature often reduce the quality of the environment, which directly or indirectly affects the quality of life of people. About 50 years ago the concept of environmental literacy was created and later environmental education, whose main goal is the development of people with appropriate environmental knowledge, attitudes and behavior. Knowledge about what kind of impact humans have on the environment and what changes are occurring in the nature, thus also represents an important part of the environmental literacy of individuals and strongly interdisciplinary links environmental education with science education. With this study I wanted to explore the topic of the environmental issues, particularly the impact of humans on the environment. The first part presents the theoretical part, which clarifies the environmental literacy and its importance, the development and the impact on education in schools. In the second part I focused on making a good knowledge test, which I used as an instrument for the study “Seventh grade primary school students' knowledge about environmental topics”. The results showed average knowledge of students regarding the topic of environment. The best results were shown in tasks requiring only the knowledge of contents and the fewest points on average were shown in tasks of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The students were more successful in the tasks about the man polluting air, water and soil, than in the tasks regarding the man changing the ecosystems. With the analysis and the determination of measurement characteristics (validity, reliability, sensitivity and objectivity), as well as the attractiveness of the answers that were given in the exam, difficulty and discriminativity of individual tasks, our goal was to create a good and suitable knowledge test. In the second, empirical part I analyzed the curriculum from 1st to 7th grade of primary school. The study involved 62 pupils from selected school in the central area of Slovenia.

Keywords:environmental literacy

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