
Pozitivni učinki ustvarjanja mandal
ID Toroš, Maja (Author), ID Žorga, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4192/ This link opens in a new window

Pričujoče magistrsko delo je namenjeno preučevanju psiholoških učinkov ustvarjanja mandal in oblikovanju smernic za delo z mandalami v praksi pomoči z umetnostjo in pri samopomoči. Mandale so sveti simboli, ki v hinduistično budističnih religioznih praksah služijo kot pripomočki pri meditaciji in koncentraciji. So geometrijski prikazi nastanka kozmosa in sheme vsega ustvarjenega. Jung je postavil temelje za delo z mandalami v psihosocialnih praksah. Ugotovil je, da se mandale spontano pojavljajo pri ljudeh, ko je psihično ravnovesje porušeno, v trenutkih zmede in dezorientacije. Na ljudi delujejo pomirjujoče. Vnašajo red in pripomorejo k psihični integraciji. Za Junga so mandale vizualni prikazi celote naše psihe in simboli, s katerimi se izraža arhetip Sebstva, arhetip celote, smisla in orientacije. Izhajajoč iz Jungovih predpostavk je bilo narejenih več raziskav. Raziskave so potrdile pozitivne učinke ustvarjanja mandal in njihova uporaba se je iz psihoterapevtske razširila tudi na pedagoško, svetovalno in likovnoterapevtsko prakso. Strokovnjaki mandale uporabljajo za zmanjševanje anksioznosti; sprožanje relaksacijskega odziva, ki je zelo pomemben pri soočanju s stresom; spodbujanje procesov samozavedanja in za varno izražanje bolečih čustev, vezanih na travmatične izkušnje. Prvi del magistrskega dela obsega teoretično raziskavo, v kateri bomo skušali s pomočjo analize in primerjave ugotovitev iz literature dokazati, da ustvarjanje mandal pozitivno učinkuje na človeško psiho. Preučili bomo delovanje mandal na simbolni, arhetipski in vizualni ravni. Uporabljeni metodi bosta deskriptivna analiza in analiza slikovnega gradiva. Druge del je mišljen kot priročnik za delo z mandalami na likovnih delavnicah pomoči z umetnostjo in za samopomoč. Smernice za praktično uporabo mandal bomo oblikovali na podlagi izsledkov iz literature in izkušenj iz naše študijske prakse pomoči z umetnostjo z duševnimi bolniki v društvu Šent v Šempetru pri Novi Gorici in Centru za mentalno zdravje v psihiatrični bolnici v Gorici v Italiji. Opisali bomo tri različne načine dela z mandalami: barvanje prestrukturiranih mandal, ustvarjanje mandale in risanje znotraj kroga. Na koncu bomo predstavili še mandala test. Test smo oblikovali kot pripomoček za prepoznavanje klientovih čustev in jakosti, s katero se pojavljajo. Testu sledi likovna vaja, v kateri se klienti soočijo z enim izmed izbranih čustev.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87177 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11347529 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Positive effects of creating mandalas
The purpose of the present master’s thesis is to examine the psychological effects of creating mandalas and to give recommendations for a better use of the mandalas in the practice of art assistance in order to help in this way others and oneself. Mandalas are sacred symbols, used in Hinduism and Buddhist religion practices as tools for meditation and concentration. They are geometrical representations of the creation of the cosmos and schemas of all that was created. Jung sat the foundations of the work practice with mandalas in psychosocial practice. He discovered that mandalas spontaneously appear in the situations in which psychical balance is destroyed, in moments of distress and disorientation. They have a calming effect on people. They bring order and facilitate psychical integration. For Jung mandalas are visual representations of the whole of our psyche and symbols with which the archetype of the Self, the archetype of wholeness, meaning and orientation, express itself. Based on Jung’s theories on mandalas a lot of studies have been conducted. Studies confirmed the positive effects of creating mandalas and their use spread from psychotherapy to pedagogic, supervision and art therapy practice. Professionals uses mandalas in order to reduce anxiety; trigger a relaxation response, which is very important when dealing with stress; stimulate the processes of self-awareness and enable the expression of painful emotions associated with traumatic situation. First part of the master’s thesis consists of a theoretical research in which we analyze and compare findings from the existent literature about mandalas to prove that creating mandalas has a positive impact on human psyche. We try to find out how mandalas operate on a symbolic, archetype and visual level. Methods uses in the study are descriptive analyses and analyses of pictorial material. Second part of the master’s thesis is a manual for the use of mandalas in help with art workshops and for self-help. On the basis of literature and direct experiences, more precisely help with art practice with mental ill people from the association Šent in Šempeter near Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and in the Center of mental health in the psychiatric hospital in Gorizia (Italy) we try to define the directions for a practical use of mandalas. Moreover, in the thesis are also described three different ways of working with mandalas: colouring pre-structured mandalas, creating mandalas and drawing within the circle. At the end there is a presentation of a mandala test that was conducted as a tool in order to recognize clients’ emotions and their strength. An art exercise in which clients faced their emotions follows the test.


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