
Razumevanje števila nič pri šestošolcih : diplomsko delo
ID Žnidaršič, Alenka (Author), ID Hodnik, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Število nič je dolgo predstavljalo le odsotnost količine. Enega večjih matematičnih preskokov so naredili Hindujci v 9. stoletju našega štetja, ko so število nič začeli dojemati kot količino samo. Iz praznega prostora, ki je v začetku simboliziral število nič, je matematik Brahmagupta leta 628 našega štetja uvedel še danes obstoječ simbol za zapis števila nič (0). Tako smo pridobili simbol za število nič in znanje, s katerim lahko v življenju operiramo. Do spoznanja, da dano število izstopa iz množice celih števil, so prihajali različni avtorji. Iz tega ni težko sklepati, da imajo tudi učenci osnovnošolskega programa z razumevanjem števila nič kar nekaj težav. Dodatne nejasnosti se pri učencih pokažejo, ko število nič nastopi kot mestna vrednost v decimalnem številu. Tekom preučevanja števila nič smo se odločili, da raziščemo, kakšne težave šestošolcem predstavlja razumevanje danega števila. S pomočjo preverjanja znanja smo preverjali uspešnost reševanja matematičnih nalog (računske operacije, primerjanje, urejanje in pozicioniranje), ki so vezane na razumevanje tega števila. Zanimala nas je tudi primerjava med spoloma in korelacija med uspešnostjo reševanja matematičnih vsebin, vezanih na število nič, v primerjavi z oceno pri matematiki. Podatke smo pridobili od 30 učenk in učencev šestih razredov na dveh različnih osnovnih šolah. Raziskovalni del diplomske naloge nas je privedel do ugotovite, da skoraj polovica učencev nima pravilne predstave o mestni vrednosti števil pri decimalnih številih, ki vključujejo števko nič. Dana mestna vrednost jim je bolj predstavljiva v računskih operacijah seštevanje, odštevanje in množenje. Lahko posplošimo, da deljenje s številom nič vsem učencem predstavlja težavo, ko nič nastopa v vlogi delitelja. Z osveščanjem osnovnošolskih učiteljev o naših ugotovitvah – da imajo učenci s številom nič v različnih pomenih težave – bi želeli zbuditi zavest o pomembnosti poučevanja števila nič pri pouku matematike.

Keywords:število nič, računske operacije, decimalno število, mestna vrednost
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[A. Žnidaršič]
Number of pages:70 f., [6] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87158 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11341641 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Understanding of number zero with sixgraders
The number zero represented the absence of quantity for a long time. One of the major breakthroughs was made by the Hindu in the 9th century B.C. as they started to comprehend the number zero also as a quantity. In the beginning, they used empty space to symbolize number zero. In 628 A.D. the mathematician Brahmagupta introduced a symbol for number zero (0) that we still use nowadays. This way we have gained the symbol for the number zero and knowledge that enables us to use arithmetics. Many authors have pointed out that the given number steps out of the set of integers. Based on the history, it is easy to understand that the pupils in primary schools also face difficulties understanding the number zero. Additional obscurity arises as the number zero is used as a place-holder in decimal numbers as a digit value. In the process of studying the number zero we have decided to investigate difficulties of sixth grade pupils in primary schools understanding the number zero. We have carried out tests in order to examine their successfulness in solving mathematical tasks (arithmetic operations, comparison, sorting and positioning) related to the understanding of the number zero. We have studied also possible differences between male and female pupils and correlation among test results and pupils’ grades at mathematics. Tests were carried out on the sample of 30 pupils at two primary schools.Our research has shown that almost the half of the pupils has not yet perceived the number zero as a place holder in decimal numbers. The meaning of number zero was better understood in the arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We can summarize that division by zero is a problem for most pupils. With raising awareness of primary school teachers on the problems of pupils understanding number zero, we would like to reawaken their interest on the importance of teaching concepts related to the number zero at mathematics.

Keywords:primary education, mathematics, osnovnošolski pouk, matematika

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