
Družabno življenje ljubljanskih meščanov v prvi polovici 20. stoletja kot vsebina pri pouku družbe
ID Kejžar, Klara (Author), ID Kerec, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4146/ This link opens in a new window

Termin meščani ne pomeni zgolj vseh prebivalcev mest, ampak so to tudi pripadniki nekoč privilegiranega srednjega družbenega razreda, ki je imel pomembno vlogo v družbi že od njegovega nastanka v srednjem veku. Meščanski položaj so dobili le redki posamezniki, ki so izpolnjevali posebne pogoje. S sprejetjem v ta družbeni sloj so dobili poseben status, privilegije, pravice in dolžnosti. Ukvarjali so se z obrtjo in trgovino, nekateri so bili tudi pomembni industrialci, bančniki ali uradniki. Njihove temeljne vrednote so bile delo, kapital, izobrazba ter družina in dobri medosebni odnosi. Zaradi tega ter želje po napredku in uspehu se je njihova moč stalno krepila, še zlasti v prvi polovici 19. stoletja, zato so v Evropi leta 1848 lahko uspešno izvedli meščansko oz. marčno revolucijo ter z njo dosegli odpravo fevdalnega sistema. V tem času se začne tudi velik razmah industrije, ki da meščanom še dodatno moč in vpliv v družbi. Ta je opazen tudi v prvih desetletjih 20. stoletja. Njihov način življenja, omikanosti in kulture je namreč postal univerzalen način življenja, saj so jih pripadniki drugih (nižjih) slojev želeli posnemati, meščani pa so se s svojimi navadami poskušali od njih razlikovati. Višek moči so na Slovenskem dosegli v tridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, takrat je bilo najbolj razvito tudi njihovo družabno življenje, a to je že v času okupacije Ljubljane med drugo svetovno vojno močno zamrlo. Po koncu vojne je spremenjeno politično vodstvo s svojimi ukrepi povzročilo propad meščanskega stanu pri nas. V prvem delu sem razložila nekaj osnovnih pojmov, povezanih s temo mojega dela. Nato na kratko orisala zgodovino slovenske (meščanske) družbe ter opisala splošne značilnosti in navade meščanstva. Podrobneje sem raziskala družabno življenje ljubljanskih meščanov v prvi polovici 20. stoletja. Ti so se radi sprehajali in družili na promenadi ter v Tivoliju, kjer so prirejali tudi velesejem. Pogosto so zahajali v gostilne in kavarne, ob prostih dnevih pa hodili na izlete. Obiskovali so tudi gledališča in opero ter hodili na koncerte in v kinematografe. V drugem delu sem raziskala, koliko in katere vire, ki so povezani z meščanstvom in/ali njihovim družabnim življenjem, vsebuje učbeniško gradivo za družbo v 4. in 5. razredu ter opisala, kako bi jih lahko uporabili pri pouku. Preučila sem tudi stalne razstave v treh ljubljanskih muzejih in eni galeriji ter analizirala razstavno gradivo, ki je povezano z omenjeno tematiko, z vidika uporabnosti pri obravnavi teme pri pouku družbe oz. kako lahko ti razstavni eksponati pomagajo učitelju in učencem pri doseganju učnih ciljev. Ugotovila sem, da večina učbeniškega gradiva vsebuje vsaj en vir (pisni in/ali slikovni), ki ga lahko povežemo z meščanstvom oz. njihovim družabnim življenjem, a z njimi lahko obravnavamo le posamezne segmente družabnega življenja. To velja tudi za stalne razstave v analiziranih ustanovah. Največ različnih tem, ki so povezane z družabnim življenjem meščanov, lahko obravnavamo v Muzeju novejše zgodovine Slovenije, prav v vseh pa je možno spoznati meščanski videz in njihovo oblačilno kulturo. V dveh muzejih so zgodovinski viri, ki lahko učitelju pomagajo pri obravnavi teme o spremembah v meščanstvu po letu 1945.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87103 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11331401 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Social life of Ljubljana's middle class in the first half of the 20th century as a teaching content in social science
The term middle class does not apply only to all the inhabitants of the city, but designates as well the people of once privileged middle class which had an important role in the society since its beginning in the Middle Ages. Only few individuals that were conform to all the special conditions were privileged to obtain the status of a middle-class. Acceptance into this society class signified a special status, privileges, rights and duties. The accepted became craftsmen and merchants; some were also important industrials, bankers and officials. Their principal values were work, money, education, family and good relationships. Due to this fact and the ambition for progress and success, their power has been straightening constantly, especially in the first half of the 19th century. This enabled them to win the middle-class or the March Revolution in 1848 that finally led to abolition of the feudal system. At the same time the industry begins to bloom, which gives the middle class additional power and even more influence in the society. This influence can be further noticed in the first decades of the 20th Century. Their life style, sophistication, and culture became a universal way of life to lower classes that tried to imitate them. At the same time, the middle class tried to distinguish themselves and their habits from the rest. In Slovenia the middle class reached their full power in the thirties of the previous Century, when their social life was fully developed as well, but disappeared a little in the times of the occupation of Ljubljana during the World War II. After the end of war the changed political directions caused the ruin of middle-class status in our country. In the first part I explained some basic terms connected to the theme of this work. Then I proceeded to a short description of the history of the Slovenian (middle-class) society and general characteristics and habits of the middle class. Afterwards I examined in further details the social life of the first half of the 20th Century middle-class in Ljubljana, who liked to walk and hang out on the 'promenade' and in Tivoli where a Great Fair was organised. They often went to taverns and cafes or go on excursions on free days. They also frequently visited the theatre and opera, as well as different concerts and cinemas. In the second part of my project I analysed to what extent and which sources connected to the theme of the middle class and/or their social life can be found in study material for social science in the 4th and 5th class. I described how this material could be used for classes. I also analysed the permanent exhibitions in three museums in Ljubljana and one gallery. Additionally, I analysed the exhibition material connected to the mentioned theme, firstly from the perspective of usefulness in the social science classes, secondly how can these exhibition items help the teacher and the students to achieve the teaching objectives. The analyses showed that there is at least one source (written and/or graphical) in the most of the study material, which can be identified with middle class or its social life, but only separate aspects of social life can be analysed at a time. The same goes for the permanent exhibitions in the analysed institutions. The greatest number of different themes connected to the social life of the middle class can be analysed in the National Museum of Contemporary History, although the middle-class appearance and their clothing culture can be seen in all of the analysed museums. Historical sources found in the two museums can help the teacher when approaching the theme of changes in the middle class after the year 1945.

Keywords:middle class

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