
Trening angleščine pri učencih z disleksijo
ID Trunkelj, Maja (Author), ID Pižorn, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Košak Babuder, Milena (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4120/ This link opens in a new window

Rezultati nacionalnih preizkusov znanja kažejo na nižje dosežke učencev s posebnimi potrebami v primerjavi z njihovimi vrstniki. Ob pregledu podatkov, v obdobju od leta 2008 do 2015, lahko ugotovimo, da so skozi celotno obdobje rezultati najnižji pri predmetu angleščina, primerjava rezultatov med učenci s posebnimi potrebami in njihovimi vrstniki pa kaže na velik razkorak (Nacionalno preverjanje znanja, 2015). Na podlagi rezultatov lahko zaključimo, da učenci s posebnimi potrebami pri predmetu angleščina potrebujejo dodatno pomoč in podporo. Učenci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami, med katere sodi tudi disleksija, potrebujejo drugačen način poučevanja, ki jim omogoča premagovanje primanjkljajev in uspešnost pri učenju tujega jezika, angleščine. V magistrskem delu je izpostavljen komunikacijski pristop poučevanja angleščine, predstavljeni so tudi specialno-pedagoški pristopi, metode, prilagoditve in strategije za učenje in poučevanje angleščine, ki so primerni za učence z disleksijo. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela predstavljam sistematičen, multisenzorni specialno-pedagoški trening. Trening je bil oblikovan v sodelovanju z učiteljico tujega jezika in temelji na eksplicitnem poučevanju strukture glagolskih časov ter poučevanju strategij samostojnega učenja angleščine. Uspešnost treninga smo ugotavljali s primerjavo začetnih in končnih rezultatov, ki so bili pridobljeni z vprašalnikom o učnih strategijah in s testom za preverjanje jezikovnega napredka v angleščini na področjih prepoznavanja, rabe in tvorbe slovničnih časov. Namen magistrskega dela je opredeliti vzroke težav, ki se pojavljajo pri učencih z disleksijo pri angleščini kot tujem jeziku, in oblikovati trening angleščine, ki bo učencem z omenjenimi specifičnimi učnimi težavami omogočal uspešnost v procesu učenja in usvajanja tujega jezika, angleščine. Primerjava začetnih in končnih rezultatov testiranja pri obravnavanem učencu kaže na napredek na področju bralnih učnih strategij kot tudi na napredek na področju rabe, tvorbe in prepoznavanja slovničnih časov, ki smo jih obravnavali v sklopu treninga. Predstavljen trening bo koristil specialnim in rehabilitacijskim pedagogom pri izvajanju dodatne strokovne pomoči. Učitelji angleščine, ki poučujejo učence z disleksijo, pa bodo lahko v poučevalno prakso prenesli nekatere pristope, ki so koristni za vse učence.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87068 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11321673 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:English training for students with dyslexia
The results of national tests indicate lower achievements of pupils with special needs in comparison to their peers. When reviewing the data for the period from 2008 to 2015, we can see that throughout the whole period the lowest results are achieved in the school subject English, and the comparison of results between pupils with special needs and their peers indicates a large gap (National Testing, 2015). Based on the results we can conclude that pupils with special needs need extra help and support in English. Pupils with specific learning difficulties, including dyslexia, need a different way of teaching, which allows them to overcome the deficits and experience success in learning a foreign language, English. The master's thesis exposes the communication approach of teaching English, in addition the author discusses special-pedagogical approaches, methods, adaptations and strategies for learning and teaching English, that are appropriate for pupils with dyslexia. In the empirical part of the master's thesis a systematic, multi-sensory special-pedagogical training is discussed. The training was designed in cooperation with a foreign language teacher and is based on the explicit teaching of the structure of tenses, and teaching stand-alone strategies of learning English. The success of the training was evaluated by a comparison of the initial and final results, which were obtained by a questionnaire on learning strategies and a language progress test which assessed the forms, understaning and the use of grammatical tenses. The purpose of the master's thesis is to define the reasons for for problems in learning English by students with dyslexia in English as a foreign language, and design a training in English, which will enable the pupils with mentioned learning difficulties to be successful in the process of learning and acquiring English as a foreign language. A comparison of the initial and final results of the testing in the assessed pupil shows a progress in the field of reading teaching strategies as well as progress in the forms, understaning and the use of grammatical tenses, which were practised as part of trainign. The presented training will be of benefit to special and rehabilitation remedial teachers in the implementation of additional professional assistance, and English language teachers, who teach pupils with dyslexia, will be able to use some of the approaches, which are useful for all pupils.


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