
Pregled uspešnosti reševanja izbranih fizikalnih nalog raziskave TIMSS z vidika tematike, kognitivne stopnje in strukture nalog v primerjavi z nalogami v učbenikih in delovnih zvezkih
ID Alagić, Medina (Author), ID Susman, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4078/ This link opens in a new window

Ena izmed raziskav, s katero ugotavljajo naravoslovno in matematično znanje učencev, je raziskava TIMSS. Gre za mednarodno raziskavo trendov znanja matematike in naravoslovja, ki se izvaja v četrtem in osmem razredu osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. Raziskava omogoča primerjavo znanja iz matematike in naravoslovja med osnovnošolskimi vrstniki po celem svetu. Izvaja se v razmiku štirih let. Pri tem se določen del nalog ponovno uporabi v preizkusih znanja naslednje raziskave. Zaradi ponovitve nalog je analiza dosežkov učencev primerna za merjenje znanja o točno določenih vsebinah. V diplomski nalogi sem uporabila naloge dveh raziskav TIMSS, ki se sicer ne ponovijo, vse pa so povezane s fizikalnimi tematikami. Cilj diplomske naloge je ugotoviti povezanost med fizikalnimi nalogami raziskav TIMSS 2003 in TIMSS 2011 in dosežki učencev z vidika tematike, kognitivne stopnje in strukture nalog. V okviru tega sem si zastavila naslednje cilje: izbrati fizikalne teme, ki najbolje opišejo vsebinske sklope učnih načrtov naravoslovja in fizike.; iz omenjenih raziskav TIMSS izločiti naloge s fizikalno tematiko in jih uvrstiti v tabele glede na snov in glede na kognitivno stopnjo; vrednotiti izbrane naloge glede na povezave med uspešnostjo reševanja in določeno tematiko, kognitivno stopnjo nalog, ter strukturo nalog. Naloge sem analizirala glede na temo, pri kateri so bili učenci najbolj ali najmanj uspešni pri posamezni kognitivni stopnji. Za posamezno tematiko sem ugotavljala povezanost med kognitivno stopnjo nalog in uspešnostjo učencev. Iskala sem tudi povezave med strukturo nalog in uspešnostjo reševanja. Rezultati analize kažejo, da so učenci bolj ali manj uspešni pri temah, ki se tekom osnovnošolskega izobraževanja ponovijo večkrat, vendar konkretnih povezav med tematikami, ki so pogosteje obravnavane, in uspešnostjo reševanja, nisem našla. Pokazalo se je namreč, da so bili učenci enako uspešni tudi pri tematikah, ki se v učnih načrtih pojavijo le nekajkrat. Poleg tega so uspešnejši pri nalogah zaprtega tipa in nalogah, ki vsebujejo kratko besedilo brez zahtevnejših izrazov in pojmov. Ugotovila sem, da so učenci uspešnejši pri nalogah, ki opisujejo situacije vsakdanjega življenja, ob tem pa so povezane tudi s fizikalnimi pojavi.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86861 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11305545 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Review of success in solving selected physics problems in the TIMMS assesment in terms of topic, cognitive level and structure of problems in comparison with tasks in workbooks and textbooks
One of the assessments for establishing knowledge of students is the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) which is carried out in the fourth and the eighth grade of primary school. The assessment enables worldwide comparison of knowledge in mathematics and science among primary school students. TIMSS assessments are conducted every four years. Certain parts of problems are used again in future assessments. Because of the repetition of problems, an analysis of students' achievements is suitable for measurement of knowledge on specific topics. In my diploma, I used problems pertaining to physics. The aim of the diploma is to determine a connection between physics problems in the TIMSS 2003 and the TIMSS 2011 assessments, and achievements of students in terms of topic, cognitive level and structure of problems. In this context I have set the following goals: select topics related to physics that best describe elements of curricula of science and physics; from aforementioned TIMSS assessments alienate problems pertaining to physics and set them in tables regarding to content and cognitive level; evaluate selected problems regarding to connections between successful solving and a certain topic, cognitive level of problems, and structure of problems. I have analysed problems regarding to topic where students were the most or the least successful at a certain cognitive level. For each topic I have found the connection between cognitive level of problems and student success. I have also been looking for connections between structure of problems and successful solving. The results of the analysis show that students successfully master topics they are taught several times throughout elementary school. I have not found connections between topics that are frequently discussed in school and successful problem solving. I have also concluded that students are equally successful in topics that are rarely included in the curriculum. Furthermore, students more successfully solve closed ended problems and tasks that include brief text without complex terms and concepts. I have determined that students are more successful in solving problems that pertain to everyday life situations while also presenting an association with physics phenomena.


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