
Razvijanje pojma vojna v devetem razredu osnovne šole s prilagojenim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom
ID Rutar, Nuša (Author), ID Umek, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4072/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu smo odkrivali, kako učenci devetega razreda osnovne šole s prilagojenim izobraževalnim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom dojemajo pojem vojna in kakšne predstave imajo o različnih vojnah. V nadaljevanju smo v konkretnem učno-vzgojnem procesu ta pojem učencem v sklopu pouka družboslovja primerno predstavili in jim omogočili, da so ga poglobili in razširili. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljen pomen poučevanja zgodovine v osnovni šoli s prilagojenim izobraževalnim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom in pomen seznanjanja učencev devetega razreda osnovne šole s prilagojenim izobraževalnim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom s tematiko vojn, ki so zaznamovale zgodovino. V nadaljevanju je opisan postopek razvijanja pojmov in načini njihovega poučevanja. Opredeljeno je tudi kritično mišljenje, podrobneje pa so opisane veščine kritičnega mišljenja, ki smo jih skušali spodbujati pri učencih v sklopu oblikovanja pojma vojna. V empiričnem delu je bilo s pomočjo ustnega preverjanja z vnaprej pripravljenimi vprašanji najprej ugotovljeno, kakšne so predstave učencev devetega razreda osnovne šole s prilagojenim izobraževalnim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom o vojnah in kaj jim pomeni pojem vojna. Z metodo akcijskega raziskovanja pa so bile v učni proces družboslovja vnešene učne metode, ki so spodbudile aktivnost in samostojnost učencev pri delu. Z uporabo avtentičnih nalog, kot so priprava plakata in intervjuja ter igra vlog, in metodo dela na terenu smo želeli izboljšati razvoj pojma vojna ter ob tem spodbujati in opazovati napredek v kritičnem mišljenju učencev. Akcijska raziskava je bila sestavljena iz treh akcijskih korakov, ki so učence spodbujali k bolj samostojnemu in aktivnemu učenju ter kritičnemu mišljenju. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da imajo učenci težave z argumentiranjem svojih stališč in težave z zastavljanjem vprašanj, ki bi izzvala višje kognitivne procese. Napredovali pa so v kritičnem izbiranju virov in v veščini samoevalvacije. Tudi končno preverjanje njihovega pojmovanja vojne je pokazalo, da so pojem razširili in poglobili, predvsem pa so pokazali veliko več empatije ter zmožnost pogleda na situacijo tudi z drugega zornega kota.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86850 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11302473 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:War concept development of year 9 primary school pupils attending a special program with lower educational standards
In the master’s thesis we ascertained how students of the ninth grade of the primary school with a special program with a lower educational standard understand the concept of war and what kind of perception do they have about different wars. The concept of war was properly presented to students in a concrete educational process as a part of Social science classes during which we enabled them to deepen and widen the understanding of the concept. In the theoretical part we presented the meaning of teaching history in primary school with a special program with a lower educational standard and the meaning of discussing the theme of war with the students of the ninth grade of the primary school with a special program with a lower educational standard. In the following part the process of developing concepts and also methods for teaching them are described. We also defined critical thinking and described critical thinking skills thoroughly, which were encouraged with students while forming the concept of war. In the empirical part we applied the oral evaluation of knowledge with predetermined questions, with which we conducted what are the perceptions of students of the ninth grade in the primary school with a special program with a lower educational standard about war and what does the concept of war mean to them. By applying the method of action research in the learning process of Social science, we added learning methods that stimulated the activity and encouraged students' independence. By using authentic assignments, such as preparing a poster and interview and a role play, and the method of fieldwork we wanted to improve the development of the concept of war and at the same time encourage and observe the progress of students' critical thinking. Action research involved three steps, which encouraged students to develop more independent and active learning and critical thinking. The results of the research showed that students have troubles defining their point of view and also struggle to ask questions, which would trigger higher cognitive processes. However, students improved critical selection of the sources and self-evaluation skills. In addition, the final examination of the concept of war showed that they widened and deepened the understanding of the concept and also revealed a greater degree of empathy and the ability to see a situation from a different point of view.


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