
Botanika v slovenskih učbenikih od leta 1864 do 1969
ID Danilović, Vesna (Author), ID Jogan, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4062/ This link opens in a new window

Razvoj slovenskih botaničnih učbenikov je tema, ki v preteklosti ni bila pogosto obravnavana in še manj objavljena. V pričujoči diplomski nalogi smo se odločili predstaviti vsebino v štirih sklopih: splošni pregled šolskega sistema na Slovenskem, razvoj botanike v kurikulumu skozi čas, splošen pregled 21 botaničnih učbenikov v slovenskem jeziku (v obdobju od leta 1864 do 1969) in natančnejša analiza treh izbranih slovenskih botaničnih učbenikov v časovnem razmiku približno 50 let. Zanimala nas je predvsem vsebinska komponenta učbenikov – zakaj se avtorji učbenikov odločajo za izbrane vsebine, za izbor konkretnih ilustracij, za opustitev ali razširitev določenih tem v naslednjih izdajah itn. Na vse to je vplivalo nemalo faktorjev, med katerimi so pomembne zgodovinske prelomnice, napredek znanosti in botanike kot znanstvene discipline, spreminjanje šolskega sistema in drugi. V splošni primerjavi je bilo zajetih 21 slovenskih botaničnih učbenikov. Ti so bili analizirani in primerjani v ožji izbor treh učbenikov, katere smo še podrobneje analizirali. Primerjava je temeljila tako na vsebinskih kot na ilustracijskih iztočnicah. Prav tako je bila pozornost usmerjena na oblikovne, jezikovne ter slogovne lastnosti. S pomočjo programa za baze podatkov MS Access smo vnesli podatke o učbenikih v bazo, čemur je sledila primerjalna analiza v grafični in besedni obliki. Pri natančnejši analizi smo pri tistih poglavjih, kjer se nam je zdelo smiselno, prikazali tudi izbrani ilustracijski material treh učbenikov ožjega izbora.

Keywords:šolski sistem na Slovenskem
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86840 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11298633 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Botany in Slovenian textbooks from 1864 to 1969
The development of Slovenian botanical textbooks is an issue that in the past has not been widely discussed and published even less. We represented our research of the topic in four parts: general overview of the school system in Slovenia, development of botany in the curriculum over time, a general overview of 21 botanical textbooks in Slovenian language (in the period from 1864 to 1969) and a more precise analysis of the three selected Slovenian botanical textbooks within approximately 50 years’ time interval. We were interested primarily in the content component of textbooks – why authors choose selected contents, specific illustrations and why they choose to eliminate certain topics or expand them in future releases, etc. A great deal of factors impact these decisions, among which there are the historical turning points, the progress of science and botany as a scientific discipline, changes in school system and others. The general comparison included 21 Slovenian botanical textbooks, which were analyzed and compared. We chose three textbooks for further detailed analysis. The comparison was based on two basic factors: content and illustrations. Our attention was also focused on the design, linguistic and stylistic features. Using the MS Access database program helped us to import all the information of textbooks in the base, followed by a comparative analysis in graphical and textual form. In the detailed analysis part of the paper, we also added illustrations to certain chapters of selected three textbooks for.

Keywords:education system in Slovenian

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