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Stališča in znanje osnovnošolcev celjske regije o gensko spremenjenih organizmih
Janže, Sara
Tomažič, Iztok
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Genetika je v današnjem času ena najhitreje razvijajočih se ved. Razvoj novih tehnologij je pripeljal do tega, da lahko natančno analiziramo genom organizmov in med njimi prenašamo gene. Na ta način ustvarjamo gensko spremenjene organizme z lastnostmi, ki jih pred prenosom organizem še ni imel. Ker jih uporabljamo šele kratek čas, vseh tveganj gensko spremenjenih organizmov ne poznamo. To je eden izmed razlogov, da področje genskega inženiringa še vedno družbi postavlja veliko vprašanj, ki od državljanov zahtevajo ustrezno moralno presojo. Nastala družbena vprašanja o prenašanju genov med organizmi se dotikajo tudi naših šol, saj le-ta preko šolskega vzgojnega načrta uresničuje cilje, ki posredno vplivajo na stališča, čustva in interes učencev do genskega inženiringa. Z vključitvijo teh vsebin v učni načrt biologije ima tudi učitelj več priložnosti, da preko poučevanja teh vsebin z ustreznimi metodami sodeluje pri oblikovanju jasnih in trdnih stališč do biotehnologije in genskega inženiringa. Ena od možnih metod oblikovanja stališč učencev je sprotno odpravljanje napačnih predstav, ki jih učitelj zazna pri učencih med poukom. Zaradi pomembne vloge učitelja biologije pri informiranju učencev o tej problematiki sem v svojem magistrskem delu želela preveriti znanje osmošolcev in devetošolcev ter kako le-to vpliva na njihova stališča, interes in čustva. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kje dobijo učenci informacije o gensko spremenjenih organizmih. Nadalje smo raziskali, kako to vpliva na znanje šolajočih se učencev. Za raziskovanje zastavljenih ciljev- smo uporabili predelan anketni vprašalnik in preizkus znanja (Kukovec, 2015), ki smo ga razdelili učencem osmega in devetega razreda treh osnovnih šol celjske regije. Na osnovi rezultatov raziskave mojega magistrskega dela lahko sklepamo, da se učenci z več znanja o genetiki tudi raje učijo o teh vsebinah. Rezultati so pokazali, da se s starostjo interes učencev za učenje o gensko spremenjenih organizmih povečuje. Zanje se bolj zanimajo dekleta kot fantje. V znanju so se pojavile razlike med osmošolci in devetošolci pri vsebinah biotehnologije, kar smo tudi pričakovali. Ker se s temi vsebinami učenci srečajo šele v 9. razredu, so devetošolci pokazali boljše znanje. Statistično pomembnih razlik v znanju glede na spol nismo zaznali. Prav tako so rezultati raziskave pokazali, da dekleta kažejo večji interes za učenje obravnavane teme kot fantje. Ugotovili smo, da največ učencev informacije o gensko spremenjenih organizmih dobi v šoli, nato iz medijev in ostalih virov. Učenci, ki so dobili informacije v šoli, imajo boljše znanje genetike. Iz zbranih rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da bodo učenci izoblikovali jasna in trdna stališča do gensko spremenjenih organizmov, če bodo imeli dovolj znanja, ki ga potrebujejo za razumevanje te problematike.
osnovna šola
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Master's thesis/paper
2.09 - Master's Thesis
PEF - Faculty of Education
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Secondary language
Attitude and knowledge of primary school students in Celje region about genetically modified organizms
Genetics is one of the fastest new growing fields. The development of the new technologies has led us to the fact that you can accurately analyze genome and transfer genes between different organism. In this way we create genetically modified organisms with new characteristics. Because we have been using them only for a short time, all the risks are not known yet. This is one of the reasons why the area of genetic engineering still makes a lot of questions that require proper moral judgment. The moral questions about genetics are also addressed in written goals of school's educational plan. The school curriculum for biology makes more opportunities for teachers to influence pupils’ attitudes, interests and feelings about genetic engineering with appropriate teaching methods. One possible method of creating clear and solid attitudes of pupils is ongoing correcting of pupils misconceptions detected by the teacher during the lesson. Given the important role of biology teachers to inform pupils about this issue, we wanted to investigate the basic genetics knowledge of the pupils in the eight and the ninth grade of the primary school, and how it affects their attitudes, interests and feelings. We also wanted to find out where the pupils get information about genetically modified organisms. Furthermore, we studied how the source of information influences pupils’ knowledge. We used the processed questionnaire (Kukovec, 2015) for exploration targets. It was distributed to the pupils of the eighth and the ninth grade of three primary schools in the Celje Region. Based on the research results of the master thesis it can be concluded that students with more knowledge about genetics also prefer to learn about these topics. The results showed that older pupils have more interest in learning about genetically modified organisms. Girls find this topic more interesting than boys. Our research revealed that the main differences in basic knowledge are between the eight and the ninth grade. Differences in knowledge were expected because pupils starts learning about biotechnology in the ninth grade. Statistical differences in knowledge between female and male pupils were not detected. The main source of information about genetically modified organisms is still given in class and the secondary source are the media and other sources. Students who have obtained the information in school have better knowledge of genetics than others. To conclude, the students will have a clear and firm attitude towards genetically modified organisms if they are given sufficient knowledge they need to understand the topic.
primary school
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