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Začetno naravoslovje ob potoku
Košir, Ana
Kos, Marjanca
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Potok je bogat ekosistem, ki daje ogromno možnosti za izkušenjsko učenje v naravnem okolju, pri čemer se otroci lahko veliko naučijo o naravi in njenih zakonitostih. Naravno okolje je idealno okolje za ustvarjalno igro predšolskih otrok, saj ponuja neizmerno bogastvo čutnih izkušenj ter odprtih materialov in objektov. Le ob pogostem stiku z naravnim okoljem otroci lahko razvijejo pozitiven odnos do narave. V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali, kakšne predstave imajo 5 – 6 let stari otroci o potoku, koliko vedo o organizmih, ki živijo v potoku in ob njem ter kakšen je njihov odnos do potoka. Ugotavljali smo tudi, koliko znanja lahko ob dejavnostih, v katerih otroci na aktiven način spoznavajo potok in ob prosti igri ob potoku pridobijo otroci in ali to vpliva na njihov odnos do igre v naravnem okolju in do potoka. Z eksperimentalno skupino smo izvedli dejavnosti v naravnem okolju, v katerih so otroci prek aktivnega učenja in ob prosti igri doživljali ter spoznavali potok in življenje v njem. Dejavnosti smo pripravili in izvajali s skupino dvajsetih otrok, starih 5 – 6 let. V projektu, ki je zajemal 10 dni dejavnosti ob in v potoku, so otroci spoznavali potok kot bogat ekosistem. Opazovali smo plovnost predmetov na vodi, spoznavali agregatna stanja vode, iskali izvir in izliv potoka, raziskovali proces kroženja vode, preizkušali delovanje vode na mlinčke in spoznavali organizme v potoku. Individualne intervjuje smo pred dejavnostmi in po njih izvedli z eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino, ki je štela enako število otrok enake starosti kot eksperimentalna. Otroci, ki so sodelovali v dejavnostih, so bili pri končnih intervjujih veliko uspešnejši pri poznavanju sladkovodnih organizmov ter so imeli občutno natančnejšo predstavo o potoku. Otroci so igro in učenje v in ob potoku doživljali z veseljem in navdušenjem. Naši rezultati kažejo, da potok kot celovit ekosistem ponuja veliko možnosti za pridobivanje izkušenj z živimi bitji, naravnimi pojavi ter veselje do raziskovanja in odkrivanja; tako predstavlja spodbudno učno okolje za prosto igro in učenje naravoslovja. Ugotavljamo, da z vključevanjem otrok v dejavnosti, v katerih doživljajo ter spoznavajo živo in neživo naravo v njeni raznolikosti, povezanosti in stalnem spreminjanju, pozitivno vplivamo tudi na odnos otrok do igre v naravnem okolju in do potoka. Izkušnje v naravnem okolju spodbujajo celostni razvoj otroka, saj omogočajo napredek tudi na drugih razvojnih področjih. Igra in učenje v in ob potoku ni pogosta praksa naših vrtcev. Rezultati tega diplomskega dela pa bi lahko spodbuda vzgojiteljem, da prepoznajo potok kot zelo spodbudno učno okolje in ga pogosteje vključujejo v svoje pedagoško delo.
igra in učenje v naravnem okolju
Work type:
Bachelor thesis/paper
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
PEF - Faculty of Education
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Early science at the stream
The stream is a rich ecosystem that offers countless opportunities for experiential learning in a natural environment where children can explore nature and its principles. Natural environment is ideal for creative play of preschool children because it offers rich sensory experience as well as open-ended materials and objects. Children can only develop a positive attitude towards nature with constant interaction with the natural environment. The thesis explores the ideas of children aged from 5 to 6 years about a stream, what they know about organisms living in it and what is their attitude towards it. Moreover, it examines how much children can learn while exploring the stream through activities and free play and whether such activities affect their attitude towards the stream and play in the natural environment. The experimental group of children took part in a set of activities in the natural environment. They experienced and explored the stream and its flora and fauna through active learning and free play. The activities were intended for a group of twenty children aged from 5 to 6 years. The project spanned over 10 days. It involved activities by and in the stream where the children learned about its rich ecosystem. They observed the buoyancy of objects on the water and the states of water, searched for its source and mouth, learned about the water cycle, tested the way water powers tiny mills and discovered organisms living in the stream. The children from the experimental and the control group, which had an equal number of children of the same age, were interviewed individually before and after the activities. Final interviews showed that the children who participated in the activities learned much more about freshwater organisms and had a better idea about the stream. The children were happy and eager to play and learn in and by the stream. The research results show that the spring as a comprehensive ecosystem offers plenty of opportunities for gaining experience of living creatures and natural phenomena as well as for encouraging children to explore and discover. In this way, the stream represents a stimulative learning environment for free play and learning science. Moreover, the findings indicate that activities pushing children to experience and learn about animate and inanimate nature in all of its diversity, connectedness and constant transformation, positively affect the children's attitude towards play in the natural environment as well as towards the stream. Experience in the natural environment encourages comprehensive development of the child because it facilitates progress in other developmental areas. Play and learning by and in the stream are only rarely used in Slovene kindergarten practice. The results of this thesis could encourage preschool teachers to perceive the stream as an encouraging learning environment and include it in their pedagogical work more often.
play and learning in the natural environment
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